Author Archives: atg141

Fall 2013 Cohort

There will be 8 students GeoBlogging during the fall 2013 semester. Below is a list of their names with links to their individual GeoBlog and the Education Abroad program in which they are enrolled.


Student GeoBlog Education Abroad Program
Ryan Busony Seoul: Sogang University
Seunghyun Pyun IES: Nagoya, Nanzan University


Student GeoBlog Education Abroad Program
Ian Button IES: Berlin, Language & Area Studies
Mary Fisk IES: Paris, French Studies Program
Marie Heller CIC-SPA: Montpellier, Integrated
Julia Kelsey CIC-SPA: Montpellier, Integrated

Latin America

Student GeoBlog Education Abroad Program
Marta Beczek CIEE: Santiago, Chile, Liberal Arts
Amanda Dezamits CIEE: Santiago, Chile, Liberal Arts

Location: 422 Boucke Building, University Park Campus, Penn State

Academic Year 2013-14 Cohort

There will be 2 students GeoBlogging during the 2013-14 academic year. Below is a list of their names with links to their individual GeoBlog and the Education Abroad program in which they are enrolled.


Student GeoBlog Education Abroad Program
Ian Button IES: Berlin, Language & Area Studies
Julia Kelsey CIC-SPA: Montpellier, Integrated

Location: 422 Boucke Building, University Park Campus, Penn State

Get Published in a Professional Magazine!

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The Penn State Education Abroad Office, in partnership with Town & Gown magazine, is excited to announce the second annual Penn State Education Abroad Writing Contest. The winner of this contest will be published in an upcoming issue of Town & Gown! This is an excellent opportunity to communicate your experiences to a broad audience and be published in a professional magazine.

As GeoBloggers, I know that you all have an interest in expressing yourselves and your time abroad through writing. This contest is a chance for you to channel your international experience into a creative outlet. 

Click here for more details and to find out how to enter!

Location: 422 Boucke Building, University Park Campus, Penn State

Summer 2013 Cohort

There will be 5 students GeoBlogging during the Summer 2013 semester. Below is a list of their names with links to their individual GeoBlog and the Education Abroad program in which they are enrolled.


Student GeoBlog Education Abroad Program
Meaghan Basile Besancon: French Language Studies
Diamond Bennah Brighton: University of Sussex
Sabrina Peterman Besancon: French Language Studies
Laurel Petrulionis Maastricht, Netherlands: Politics of European Integration

Latin America

Student GeoBlog Education Abroad Program
Sarah Tabaka Spanish Field Studies in Costa Rica (Embedded)

Location: 422 Boucke Building, University Park Campus, Penn State

New Bloggers!

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Hi Everyone!

We have 12 new bloggers who will be contributing to the GeoBlog during the Spring 2013 semester. Several of the bloggers will be writing from non-traditional locations such as Beijing, China; St. Petersburg, Russia; and Tanzania. In addition, we will feature bloggers from Denmark, Ireland, Netherlands, United Kingdom and Spain.

We also have two returning bloggers from the fall 2012 semester, Kyle Deen and Abdul Baza, who are both continuing their studies in Mito, Japan.

Go to Meet the GeoBloggers for more information on our writers!

Location: University Park, Boucke Building, Education Abroad Office

Spring 2013 Cohort

There will be 12 students GeoBlogging during the Spring 2013 semester. Below is a list of their names with links to their individual GeoBlog and the Education Abroad program in which they are enrolled.


Student GeoBlog Education Abroad Program
Robert Ritson SFS: Tanzania, Wildlife Management Studies


Student GeoBlog Education Abroad Program
Jason Klanderman IES: Beijing, Contemporary Issues in China


Student GeoBlog Education Abroad Program
Stephanie Caverno Copenhagen Business School
Emma Decker CIEE: Seville, Liberal Arts
Becky Eischeid IES: Barcelona, Liberal Arts & Business
Rachel Fedishen Copenhagen Business School
Kasumi Hirokawa CIEE: London, University of Westminster
Stephanie Lapple Arcadia: Galway, National University of Ireland
Michael Mattia CIEE: St. Petersburg, Russian Area Studies
Devon Santoro IES: University of Amsterdam
Kelly Suter IES: Dublin, Trinity College Honors
Charmee Taylor IES: London, Theatre Studies

Location: University Park, Boucke Building, Education Abroad

Do you have a story to tell?

Writing Contest_EA Logo.jpg
The Penn State Education Abroad Office, in partnership with State College magazine, is excited to announce the inaugural Penn State Study Abroad Writing Contest. The winner of this contest will be published in the October 2012 issue of State College magazine. This is an excellent opportunity to communicate your experiences to a broad audience and be published in a professional magazine.

As GeoBloggers, I know that you all have an interest in expressing yourselves and your time abroad through writing. This contest is a chance for you to channel your international experience into a creative outlet. 

Click here for more details and to find out how to enter!

Location: Penn State University, University Park, Education Abroad Office

Academic Year 2012-2013 Cohort

There will be 2 students GeoBlogging during the Academic Year 2012-2013. Below is a list of their names with links to their individual GeoBlog and the Education Abroad program in which they are enrolled.


Student GeoBlog Education Abroad Program
Abdul Baza Mito: Ibaraki University
Kyle Deen Mito: Ibaraki University

Location: Education Abroad Office, University Park, PA

Fall 2012 Cohort

There will be 12 students GeoBlogging during the Fall 2012 semester. Below is a list of their names with links to their individual GeoBlog and the Education Abroad program in which they are enrolled.


Student GeoBlog Education Abroad Program
Carolyn Vilardi IES: Delhi

Australia/Pacific Islands

Student GeoBlog Education Abroad Program
Chad Hainley Sydney: University of New South Wales
Allison Jaffe Dept. ENGR: University of Auckland
Angeline Sutedjo University of Melbourne


Student GeoBlog Education Abroad Program
Abigail Dolinger CIEE: Seville, Language & Society
Evan Farrell IES: Freiburg, Environmental Studies
Christopher Gutierrez Dept. ARCH: Rome
Alexandra Haeusser Arcadia: Perugia, Umbra Institute
Amy Kautz Maastricht, Center for European Studies
Shelbie McCurdy Dept. EDUC: Bognor Regis and Jonkoping
Sally Ostendorf Dept. ARCH: Rome
Lauren Tusar IES: Granada

Location: Education Abroad Office, University Park, PA

Summer 2012 Cohort

There will be 6 students GeoBlogging during the Summer 2012 semester. Below is a list of their names with links to their individual GeoBlog and the Education Abroad program in which they are enrolled.


Student GeoBlog Education Abroad Program
Ryan Brown Jamaica: Island Sustainability


Student GeoBlog Education Abroad Program
Nadine Gaynor Florence: The World of Business and Italian Culture
Abigail Hudak Marburg: Philipps University
Raquel Phillips HDFS: Rome
Anastasiya Shpakova Pforzheim University

North America

Student GeoBlog Education Abroad Program
Reva Baylets CIC: Quebec, Laval University

Location: State College, PA