Tag Archives: Taylor’s Africa Adventure

Still Getting Ready…

I feel as though there isn’t a time I can remember that I have not been preparing for this trip.  Since the end of finals week, which was December 14th for me, I have spent a little time each day getting ready.  Some call that OCD, but it’s made packing and preparing much less stressful. Packing.JPG

My least favorite part has probably been the vaccines.  Yellow fever gave me…wait for it…a horrible fever.  103-104 at times, but thankfully I had my boyfriend at the time to dote on me 🙂
The typhoid vaccine is not much better.  I chose the pill-form so there are a total of 4 pills that I take every other day.  Today, after taking the 3rd pill, has proven to have the worst side-effects to date.  Not fun times.
I’ll be poppin’ malaria pills like tic-tacs once I get to Kenya, so I hope those don’t have any nasty side effects.
Preparing for a trip like this takes a lot more thought and planning than most.  I’ll have limited access to internet, and very limited access to any modern conveniences.  That part I’m actually looking forward to!  Getting away from society for a while is going to be nice.  The program I’m going through, SFS, has an intense schedule, but every activity sounds exciting to me!  From field lectures to safaris to volunteering, I’m beyond excited.  From Lake Erie to Central Africa.
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Being a world traveler is something that I would really like to be.  I hope that this trip is going to be the kick in the pants that I need to start my big girl life.  Since I was little I haven’t been like ‘most girls.’  Trust me, I realize that 99% of girls say, “I’m not like most girls!”  But, trust me, I was really different.  From doing math problems on the board at recess in first grade, to spending afternoons saving earthworms from drying out on sidewalks after a rainstorm. 
Special thanks to my friends for always being there for me!
From my rearview to my windshield.  It’s good to look back, as long as you continue to move forward!
So, unlike most abroad experiences, mine is going to be spent in a ‘banda’ in the middle of no where.  And I couldn’t be happier about that.

Location: Erie, Pennsylvania


As I look out the window at a foot of snow, I can’t help but to get more and more excited for my trip to Africa.  Don’t get me wrong, I love Erie’s lake effect snow storms (we recently experienced thunder snow) but my body doesn’t tolerate cold as well as I would like it to!

Packing is FUN! At least for me, since all these new gadgets and things I’m buying, I have always wanted…but never had a good reason to buy!  Being an adventure junkie, you can imagine how anxious I am to get started on this trip to Kenya and Tanzania.
I recently had shoulder surgery, so I’m going through the rehab process (again).  I can’t help but to ramble on and on about my adventure to my physical therapists, bless their hearts.
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This is my 12 year old puppy, Travis.  He’s bugging me to pay attention to him as I sit here, so I figured I would share!  This brings me to a valid point though.  Someone once told me never to say, “I miss you.”  Only, “I look forward to seeing you again!”  So, to my family and friends, I look forward to seeing you again very much.  I wish I could share this experience with you all.
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Location: Erie, Pennsylvania

As I Prepare…

This was me when I found out that this trip was becoming a reality…I hope someone out there can appreciate my SNL reference.

As I get everything in place to leave for my new home, I wanted to take a second to set some goals for this blogging experience.  I have never done anything like this before, so, bear with me!

First of all, I want to use this blog to keep my friends and family up to date on what I’m doing.  As you can imagine, having their little girl flown off to Africa must be a little unnerving to my parents.  It’s been my dream ever since I first discovered the television remote and landed on Animal Planet.  All the shows showing the sights and sounds of Kenya and Tanzania (where I am going) really captured my heart.

Secondly, I would like to use this blog to try and share my experiences as best as possible.  I am extremely fortunate to get to go on this adventure, so I would like to give back as much as I can.  By trying to make connections and discoveries, I would like this blog to serve as a second-hand adventure to those who may never have the opportunity to visit.

Lastly, I would like to use this blog to reflect on my own experiences in Africa.  Taking the time to write down what I am learning will be very beneficial to me in learning lessons that I will carry with me for the rest of my life.  I have almost two months until I leave, and I already have ants in my pants I’m so excited! 

I know the culture I’m going into is going to be very different than what I am used to, but I have always had an open mind.  If Buddy the Elf can adapt to NYC from the North Pole, I can adapt too.
I will post later once I start the fiasco of packing.  I also plan on using many more pictures and videos once I get a camera (Christmas presents!!).  

Location: State College, PA 16801