Tag Archives: drunk

St. Patrick’s Day in Dublin

I traveled to Dublin with a bus full of eager international students on Thursday morning. We arrived in Dublin around 10am, and the festivities began!  It was beautiful outside all day, and I had awesome friends to hang out with :]

As usual, photo blog!

All dressed up!

My irish breakfast! Om nom!

Some fun drunk guys at the parade!

The parade has some interesting floats…

See what I mean?

Cutest little girl everrrr.


Guinness Factory!

Enjoying our free Guinness at the Gravity Bar! 

So, the rest of the night was a little bit nuts.  We went to a handful of pubs.  There were so many people out. It was, pardon my French, a bit of a shit show.  But, I suppose that’s what makes Paddy’s day, huh?
Apart from Paddy’s, been working on some more essays.  Only have two left (one due this Thursday…one due in April).  Going to London this weekend!  DEFINITELY hitting up that Harry Potter tour.  Other than that?  Who knows! haha.

Location: Dublin, Ireland