Oui, Oui! Paris!

I went to Paris last weekend and I was actually a little envious that I wasn’t studying there. It LOVED it. So much that I told my boyfriend that I wanted to learn French and move to Paris for a year. He quickly brought me down off of my Paris high and made me snap back to reality. 

I loved the French people, the French food, the French music.. Just everything Paris had to offer. I felt like I just belonged there, and apparently other people felt the same way too because I was asked for directions 3 times- in FRENCH. And 3 people asked if I was Parisian. I was flattered, but unfortunately I was no help to the lost travelers. 
At the top of the Eiffel tower
During my trip to Paris, I climbed the Eiffel Tower, climbed the Arc de Triomphe, went shopping on Champs-Elysses, visited the Sacre Coure, and Notre Dame, ate croissants for breakfast, and had crepes for lunch. I truly enjoyed Paris and I will definitely be back again. Paris is definitely my favorite European city!
Steps inside the tower


Paris from the top of the Eiffel tower
Champs- Elysses from the top of the Arc de Triomphe
Arc de Triomphe
Au revoir!

Location: Paris, France

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