Dan’s Introductory Blog!

Hey everyone,

My name is Dan O’Connor. I’m a sophomore studying Accounting here at Penn State. This summer (starting less than one month from now), I’ll be studying abroad in Florence, Italy. Between now and then, the one thing I am dreading the most is packing.. as exciting as it will be to know that I’m drawing nearer to going abroad, I can guarantee you that I will be frantically scouring my bedroom for last minute items about 6 hours before my flight. At the moment, however, I am participating in an orientation telling me and my fellow students how exactly to work this GeoBlog program. It seems like a great way to get my thoughts down, and reflect so that I don’t let my experiences pass me by while I’m abroad. What I really hope to take from this project is the ability to form a lasting documentation of my thoughts, experiences, and feelings while I’m abroad. I hope to someday, years down the road, be able to look back at my blog and relive some of my experiences. Also, keeping my family at home updated via blog is MUCH less expensive than making outgoing calls on a rented cell phone ( I guess that’s the accountant in me). Anyhow, stay posted, and I’m sure I’ll have a lot more exciting stuff to fill this space with in about a month’s time! Until then, enjoy the rest of your semester and the terrific weather!

Location: State College, PA

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