This Side of the Pond

Hello all, my name is Amelia Hawbaker and I’m currently a sophomore at Penn State University.  I will be traveling to the University of Kent, Canterbury (UK) next fall.  I will be there for the entire semester, and I’m really hoping to get in some good travel-time before I begin orientation at Kent.  With any luck, my lovely sister (Olivia) will be jet-setting around Europe with me during August (and by jet-setting I mean backpacking), and will be able to deposit me in Kent prior to orientation. 

I have traveled through some parts of Europe already, but I am absolutely thrilled that I will be able to live there for an extended period of time.  I fully anticipate returning to the States with a host of new/awesome phrases (i.e. things like, “mind the gap”, “bollocks”, and “cheerio”) that I will be able to use on a daily basis, and possibly a pair of Wellies (for those who don’t know, Wellies are a fantastic type of rainboots). 

As of right now, I haven’t thought about the actual trip or packing too much.  The end of the semester always tends to be a crazy time, so I will get into all of the trip requiremetns and details after the semester is over.  That’s pretty much all for now, more to come when I get into the summer and semester trip planning!

Location: Corning, NY

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One thought on “This Side of the Pond

  1. Julia Kisner Law

    I hope you’ve made it to Europe and are having a great time with your sister. Safe travels and can’t wait to hear about your first week or so in Kent!

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