Tag Archives: charity week

My Campus is Beautiful

I took the time on Saturday to explore all that my campus had to offer.  There is a river that runs on the outer part of UL and a path you can follow.  I did just that.

Photo Blog!

Pretty, right?

Saturday night, I went on a date! hah.  We went mini-golfing, which was a blast.  Their mini-golf place was inside, and the courses were intense.  No windmills or anything…it was actually like I was putting on a green. I know, right?  And there was nothing stopping the ball from rolling right into the water! That only happened to me once, I swear.  But then he took me to a pub with a live band, then to a club.  AND I got my first kebab (their version , that is).  Om nom. Delicious. 

This week is their Charity Week (AKA Rag Week).  Things are going to get intense.  I will definitely be updating throughout the week about that.

Paris this weekend. Dublin next weekend.  London the weekend after that.  WOO. 

I am also starting to write a good amount of essays.  That’s what they do for their midterms.  Dislike.

Location: Limerick, Ireland