It’s been quite awhile since I’ve last updated. And I have a lot to talk about. I just finished my spring break, where I traveled quite a bit. So as to not make one giant entry that would take up far too much space, I’ll be breaking up my spring break into several different posts that I’ll post throughout this week and next.
At the start of my spring break, I had to opportunity to travel to one of my British friend’s homes. Seeing as she lives right outside London, I leaped at the opportunity to visit…even if just for a day.
We began our day in London at Nelson’s Column and the National Gallery. Although I can’t say I’m an art aficionado at all, it was interesting to walk through a few of the rooms and see some famous pieces of art.
With Big Ben in our sights, my friend and I set off to find the London Eye. When we made it to the London Eye, I was definitely impressed with its size. I’m not sure why I imagined it to be smaller, but it was huge. We didn’t walk to the London Eye, but just seeing it across the Thames was good enough for now.

And then we came to Big Ben. Seeing as Big Ben was one of the “must-sees” on my list, I have to say I was surprised when we actually found it. Although it was amazing to see, it really is just right on the side of road, leading to a slightly anticlimactic discovery. But nonetheless, it was a great sight to see.
Right by Big Ben was a statue I wasn’t expecting to see: the statue of Boudicca. Upon arriving in the U.K., I have to admit my knowledge of British history was definitely lacking. However, in one of my history courses, we learned all about the life of Boudicca. So, discovering her statue was great moment for me since I (for once) knew why a statue had been created.
After Big Ben, my friend and I raced over to Buckingham Palace to see what I think every other tourist in London also wanted to see: the Changing of the Guards. My friend and I showed up later than most, but we managed to weasel our way to the gate where we could see some of the event itself happening.
Even though I couldn’t see everything, I could still hear. And let me tell you, there’s nothing quite like hearing Star Wars music blaring from royal guards. It was certainly unexpected (and even reminded me of Penn State football games with the Blue Band).

After a short trip on the tube (London’s subway system), my friend and I arrived at Hamley’s. This store quickly became one of my favorite places in London. Hamley’s is a toy store, but not just any toy store, oh no. Hamley’s is a 5-story toy store with more toys and gadgets than I had ever seen before. The child in me came alive, and I didn’t want to leave after quickly racing around each floor; however, my friend and I had more to see.
One of the highlights was the Lego level, which featured Lego creations of the Royal Family.
After visiting Hamley’s, my friend and I decided we weren’t done looking at toys just yet. So, we went to the Disney Store. Growing up on Disney movies, this store was fantastic for me. I didn’t know where to look first or which stuffed animal to hug. It was incredible, and I definitely will be visiting again.

Next, my friend and I decided to visit a few museums. First, we went to the Science museum, which was amazing. My friend and I spent nearly an hour on the ‘body floor’, and we could have spent even more time there. The museum was so much fun as it had plenty of interactive activities to take part in.

Realizing we were running out of time to see museums before they closed, we ran off to the Museum of Natural History. Although we didn’t have a lot of time to explore, just the entrance of the museum was jaw-dropping. After looking at the earthquake and volcano floor, my friend and I had to leave to find a very important store.

Being American, I grew up munching on M&M’s. As such, an M&M store sounds like heaven to me. And, indeed, it was. This massive store had so many M&M’s. I could have spent hours roaming the floors finding any and every color and design. However, my friend and I still had one more place to visit before the end of our day.

Perhaps one of the most famous stores in London, Harrod’s is known for its up-scale, designer products. Just walking through the halls, I could tell there was no way I could ever afford anything inside. But, I could still visit their Disney Store. That’s right, my friend and I ended up right back to Disney. This store wasn’t nearly as big as the other, but it certainly brought some entertainment for me, especially being a fan of Marvel.
With aching feet and sore legs, my friend and I decided to finish our day after Harrod’s. And, although I may have woken up the next morning with a terrible cold, London was most definitely worth it. I cannot wait to visit again.
Until next time,
Emily .xx
Location: London, England