The First Step


It is 3am local time in Rome, and I am struggling with the combination of jetlag and a substantial time difference. Additionally, my mind is racing over all the events of the previous week. My journey to Rome was not quite the easiest journey, but I managed to arrive when I was suppose to; however, my luggage cannot say the same with me growing strongly attached to that hoodie and jean combo I decided to rock for the plane. Plane connections and lack of sleep aside, I managed to make it to Temple Rome where my journey abroad shall begin.

Personal Growth and Adaptation

I am slowly but surely adapting to the Italian lifestyle, specifically in regards to food and drink. The times that they eat here are different as well as the food offerings. I have been eating nothing but fresh products, including fruits and meals. No processes or prepackaged food here in Italy. I am also adapting to the lack of working out so far, with walking three miles a day acting as compensation. Additionally, personal entertainment and strong WIFI has yet to come to this place of the world. There is no scrolling through your newsfeed and watching Netflix; it is nothing but spending time with the friends you have managed to make while studying abroad.

Social Situations and Relationships

Coming into the program, I was nervous due to the fact that I did not know anyone and would have to start from scratch in terms of forming friendships. However, nearly everyone else in this program had to deal with the same problem, which has substantially eased the transition. Having already dubbed ourselves “The Wolf Pack,” my friends and I have grown closer by the day. Not only is it a good mix of guys and girls, but a good mix of personalities that really vibe with one another. It is not very often in life where you get to become so close to people your age so quickly, and I believe we are all taking full advantage.

Embracing the Italian Culture

After living in Rome for a week, you pick up a few of the tendencies that help compose Italian culture. These include:

  • Making eye contact with drivers as you pass the road so they do not hit you
  • Not tipping after meals
  • Hailing a cab solely from a designated spot
  • Food and wine shopping almost daily
  • Walking everywhere
  • Having a slower pace to what you are doing

These are just a few of many items that I have observed over the past week. As the semester continues, I am sure will be able to list pages of these behaviors and will hopefully have embraced them myself.

Notable Spots

This past week included traveling throughout Rome as well as the region of Umbria including:

  • Frequently visiting the Piazza del Popolo, Spanish Steps, and Via del Corso (locations all close to Temple Rome)
  • Observing the Roman Coliseum and Forum from a distance
  • Visiting the castle town of Todi and exploring the area


Location: Piazza del Popolo, Spanish Steps, Roman Coliseum, Rome, Umbria, Todi

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