Boungiorno Milano!

What’s up everybody!  I apologize that I did not post a blog last week, the internet was not functioning last week at my apartment!

It has been a week and a half since I have arrived and settled in Milan, Italy.  I initially thought the transition into a foreign country, in a foreign city would be difficult.  I previously believed I would feel like a stranger and very lost, being that it was my first time away from home, and I am not fluent in the host language.  Both of those initial thoughts have been incorrect and proven wrong.  The italian language has been a little easier for me to understand and pick up, for the simple fact that I am fluent in spanish.  Getting around the Milan has been more promising, since I know any conversation I may have  will not make me look like a lost American tourist.  The Italian culture and the American cultures are two different worlds.  Despite that water is not free when you sit to eat, or the wi-fi is terribly slow; the culture is really one to admire and be amazed at from the perspective of a study abroad student.  You do not see people sitting down at a restaurant or bar locked into their smartphones; scrolling down Instagram.  No, people are actually engaged in a conversation, which I feel is crucial when you are a study abroad student.  It is an amazing experience that not only am I learning a new language, but I am actually using it daily.  Unlike in high school you are required to take a language class, but usually end up never practically using it.  Slowly, but surely I am not only adapting to the Italian culture, but truly immersing in it.  Tomorrow I will be going on an abbey trip to visit famous cathedral churches and then saturday I will head to Bologona, Italy which is famous for their cuisine.  I will make sure to post another blog sunday with pictures from the trips.


Location: milan

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One thought on “Boungiorno Milano!

  1. Kyle Gerardi

    Very refreshing to hear that putting down your phone and engaging in the world can better the experience of being abroad. I am experiencing something very similar in the DR. I’m currently learning Spanish but would like to learn Italian one day so it is also good to hear that Spanish can help with that.

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