And away we go.

Hi, guys! My name is Elizabeth Coddington (everyone calls me Liddy) and I am beyond excited to be studying abroad in Barcelona for Spring 2015! I’m a junior public relations major working towards a Spanish minor. I’m hoping that spending four months in Spain will improve my language skills. I am a food enthusiast and I plan on posting pictures of all the delicious things that I eat, so brace yourselves. Cheese and wine galore, people!

This blog is going to be updated weekly, maybe more depending on what exactly happens along the way. I’m in the IES Barcelona Liberal Arts and Business program, which I will be happy to provide as much information on as needed. If anyone has any questions for me, feel free to reach out to me over social media, email, or leave a comment below!

I leave for Barcelona in 4 days and as excited as I am to go, my mind will not stop racing. I visited the city during spring break of my senior year and I can remember standing at the port and thinking that I definitely had to go back at some point in my life.

Studying abroad is the biggest thing I’ve done in my 20 years and I cannot believe that it’s happening so soon, which is apparent by the emptiness of my suitcase. At this point I have not started packing, thought about packing or done anything to even prepare for the pre-packing. But I’m starting tomorrow… I swear. And with every item that I check off my list I know that more and more excitement will begin to replace the anxiety that I feel.

Just a little rundown of what’s going through my mind:

  • How many shoes can I bring?
  • What do the dorms look like?
  • I hope the other students don’t make fun of my Spanish too much.
  • Everyone says not to overpack but how can I not…
  • What if I run out of breath when trying to blow up my inflatable headrest on the plane? (I’m serious.)
  • What if I get stopped at customs and they just don’t let me go at all?
    • Side note: My student visa somehow says my name is Elizabeth Laureen. With two E’s. It is not. It is Elizabeth Lauren. The Spanish Consulate said all should be fine so, ya know, nothing I can really do about that.
  • How am I going to visit all of the places that I want to go?
  • So many photo opps.
  • So many crêpes.

That’s just a little sample. I think you get the idea. If you’re reading my post at this point I assume that you are interested in studying abroad in Barcelona (great choice) and you want to know about the “true student experience.” I can promise you that I will be as candid as possible and write everything that I think you need to know. It’s going to be an amazing time and I can’t wait until I have updates for you all.

Despite all the stress and anxiety that comes with pre departure… it’s Europe. It’s Spain. It’s BARCELONA. It’s going to be amazing. Oh, and I’m traveling with my best friend Lauren and I can assure you that reading this blog will be extremely entertaining. There will be pictures, embarrassing stories, videos… I’ll have it all. So, cheers to an amazing semester abroad.

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