Week 6

We just got back from Zanzibar! It was alright, I mean I loved the architecture, there’s history embedded in the town. For example, there was a war (45 minutes long, it was the world’s shortest one haha) that included the british attacking the sultan’s palace with a canon, so many of the buildings still have this black smokey residue on the side from it. Side note- the sultan was not the hottest interior designer. We go a tour of his palace, and it was full of the stuffy traditional furniture, it probably cost a fortune but I was a little disappointed in him- the man should have invested in some bean bags or something, his chairs were going to give people back problems. Anyway- stone town was cool, there was this huge outdoor evening market across from the old fort full of different food venders, we had a field day. Dinner was fruit, Zanzibar pizza (which is more like a giant egg roll), sugar cane juice, ginger tea, and popcorn- good meal. And there was the Zanzibar international film festival going on while we were there (ZIFF) which was cool. It’s all inside the old fort, they had the world cup playing on a projector screen, live music, and more venders inside. The artist for the evening was pretty bad… everyone loved him but we got there and were a bit skeptical… it was one of those bands where you listen for a few songs and realize that you were definitely supposed to be high during the concert because the music is slow and the man is singing songs that consist of the same 4 lines. BUT the world cup is awesome- I don’t know why Americans aren’t into it, puts the superbowl to shame. We saw the Germany-Ghana game which was amazing, ended up being a tie 2-2 but everyone was so into it. The Tanzanians are really pumped about any of the African teams

We spent the first two days in Kendwa rocks, a beach resort, which was nice but I’m not really that pumped about lying on the beach all day. I’m definitely the kind of person that likes to be doing things- the relaxed vacation feeling is definitely going away so I was a little antsy without much to do I’ll be ready to be in the states at the end of the week. But the view was beautiful- white sand and clear water. We also made some good friends, Sam and Tim were my favorites, they were this couple from Toronto, Canada that we ran into the first day. They quit their jobs and were travelling around Africa for 4 months before going back to their lives. I would love to get to do that, take off a summer and go see all of Europe or something with a group of friends there’s so much to see and people should take advantage of it. However it’ll take me a while to go back to Africa I think- I’m quite tired of sticking out so much. It’s been an amazing trip, but I’m bringing a bat next time I come back. We got way more attention from all the passing guys than I would ever want. Not that they made comments about the way you look like US guys do, but they all come up to you and ask about where you’re from, how you are, etc. which is fine. But it’s a new person every 4 minutes. Cousin Carolyn told me to act like I was crazy so people wouldn’t bother me when abroad- I should have worked on that a bit more before getting here.

Also. I now don’t like ferries. 2.5 hour ride. I got seasick. In case anyone was keeping track, I now no longer eat curry.


  1. I found a whole wheat chapatti the other day, almost took a picture. Haven’t eaten whole wheat in the last 6 weeks so it was an exciting moment
  2. We got henna done and it’s like sharpie dark. So mom, when you see me- it’s not a tattoo
  3. mom I miss you too, but I’ll be home soon!

Location: Dar es Salaam, Tanzania

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