A Little Bit of Mexico City

For future reference, four days in Mexico City is enough time to see seven museums, an entire city of Aztec ruins, try about 9 different restaraunts, and buy as many souveneirs as your budget allows, but is still only enough time to merely scratch the surface of the city. I’m proud to say that our group proved this last weekend, but also glad to have many reasons to return. 

The first stop was Teotihuac�n, the ancient Aztec ruins that contain the largest pyramid in the western hemisphere, the Pyramid of the Sun. This was the kind of thing you see in post cards, or read a blurb about in seventh grade Spanish class, or even discover details about in Latin American history class. You marvel at its wonder, but never imagine actual escalating its rocky side. Thumbnail image for IMG_0977[1].JPG

This trip granted me the opportunity to climb this great structure to the top and witness its magnificent view. The Aztecs did not build this city, but found it abandoned and named the structures independently. I can only imagine how the Aztec people felt when they came upon this structure and climbed its heights. The experience in its entirety is truly mesmorizing.

We also visited Frida Khalo’s house, La Casa Azul. Frida’s infamous unibrow is the first thing that pops into most people’s heads when they hear her unique name. However, I recommend watching the movie, “Frida” for anyone looking to learn a little more about her. This dramatic film featuring Salma Hyek as Frida, presents the artist’s life story through her eyes, breaking through the front of her solemn work. Her life was a roller coaster, but her personality and artistic view makes her a true inspiration. Frida and Diego.jpg

The walls of her house were dotted with hundreds of works of her and Diego’s art. The house was beautiful, the perfect place for painting. It also presented Frida and Diego’s relationship in a way that emphasized not necessarily a mushy-gushy love, but more of an eternal care that each passionately possessed for one another. These artists are worth learning about, even if only for an interesting surprise.

This is a long entry, and trust me, I could write tons more about this trip! I will spare you the details however but inform you that El Museo Nacional de Antropolog�a is absolutely incredible, and requires about a full day, maybe two, to wholly appreciate its depth of information about Mexican Civilization history (which is very interesting). La Palacio Nacional features Diego’s last murals on its walls, which shows the history of Mexico in picture form if that’s more your style. Lastly, the “Basillica of our Lady Guadalupe” not only displays the religiosity of the nation, but also the city’s swampy foundation! (see photo)

Just a little taste of what Mexico City has to offer. The history of the city makes it especially unique, so in order to fully feel its charm, these types of attractions are definitely worth visiting!

Location: Prados Agua Azul, Puebla, Mexico

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