Its not Goodbye its… umm Deuces

      First of all this video is a summation of me fighting back tears and reminiscing on what I learned and because of that it literally makes no sense at all. So I decided to write a little excerpt on what I actually wanted to say. So consider this a translation:  
My experience abroad was unlike anything I’ve ever felt before. I had the opportunity to go to Paris, and spend a couple days in Scotland. As I look back on what I learned I realize that I learned more than just geography(I didn’t know the difference between the UK and Britain and England and I thought Paris was Italy…I’m really smart. What can I say?). Its one thing when to learn something at a desk and its a whole new experience by immersing yourself in another culture, breathing, feeling, and grasping every new experience as your own. 
I came here with intention of studying theatre but I didn’t study it, I was enlightened by the deeply rooted culture. I was able to see shows at fringe venue’s, The National, Hampstead theatre, and even homeless shelters. Our teachers encouraged independent learning by experience and for that I will always be grateful.
I moved around a lot, as a kid, and I was never able to call any place home, but that all changed this semester. London is my home now and for the first time in my life I felt accepted by being me. I was surrounded by love in a way that made me feel important and worthy. It took a trip to London to figure that out but I wouldn’t have it any other way. 
 A year ago study abroad was just a dream but it became something that was tangible with hope. I hoped and prayed for years to get out of the small town of State College. I finally did and now with my last hours before boarding my plane (I never thought I would say this) I miss that rinky dink old town. I miss the cows, I miss strangers stopping to smile at you, I miss camping, Wal-mart, and tree’s. I miss the smell of manure and the smallest mall known to man kind. I miss the tradition of being in a college town. I miss State College (Eww that just sounds weird). But most of all I miss my family and I’ll never forget the family that I created here in my home away from home-London. 

Location: London, United Kingdom

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One thought on “Its not Goodbye its… umm Deuces


    Hey Charmee! I know this comment is overdue but I cannot believe your experience in London has already ended! I hope it was everything you hoped for it to be and that you made the most out of everything. I agree with you that is seems just yesterday we were all pursuing our study abroad dreams by applying, and now they are coming to an end! It really seems unreal. Have a fabulous summer and year next year at Penn State!

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