From Continent to Continent…

Hello everyone! I’m Angeline and I will be studying at the University of Melbourne in Australia starting this Fall 2012 for the next two semesters. I am super excited!! In about a month from now, I will be leaving my home country for MELBOURNE, one of the coolest cities in Australia (do you know that it is the birthplace of television in Australia?)


I already have a list of places I want to visit including: Magnetic Island, Ayers Rock, Great Ocean Rock, Tasmania, and Great Barrier Reef. The University of Melbourne itself, I think, will be fun! I will be taking five engineering classes (since I am a chem-e and that on my academic plan, this junior year is the ‘not-so-fun’ year). But! I have an old friend who is actually a student there and is majoring in some chemistry-related major, so we will be having some classes together:)


To be honest, it’s been pretty busy for me since the last couple days. I start to look for place to stay, prepare all the documents to apply for the visa (yes, since I am an Indonesian citizen, there are thousands of documents I have to prepare), and also pack my stuffs. Not to mention that I’m taking online Phase and Chemical Equilibrium and work full time as an intern in one of the largest consumer durable producer in Asia, PT. Maspion.


But, these all are parts of one of the most exciting experience I will ever have in my life, so it’s absolutely worth it!!


Location: Jakarta, Indonesia

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2 thoughts on “From Continent to Continent…

  1. Amy Leigh Kautz

    Wow, you have much to do to prepare for study abroad! What part of Indonesia are you from? People posted several blogs about leaving in a month or two to study abroad and I panicked a bit…until I remembered that Australia universities are on a different schedule than US or European ones! Ha, but I’m so excited to hear about your adventures in Australia , seems like you’ll have lots to blog about! Cheers!

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