Whirlwind Weekend

IMG_2415.JPGMy boyfriend joined the navy and left for boot camp about two weeks ago. A few weeks before my David came to visit, I decided I was going to go home for the weekend to surprise him for his going away party. I knew I had to be there for this huge step in his life and I was so excited and happy to be heading back to the States.

So I did it, I booked my ticket! And one day I boarded a plane and I knew that I was going home…but only for the weekend. Mentally preparing for this was not easy. I knew none of this was going to be easy.

After a short layover in Madrid, I boarded my plane to New York City. I was really excited but my emotions were kind of muted by the fact that I couldn’t even believe that this was real life and that I was actually doing this.

I was crying on the plane just thinking about seeing my family and how amazing it was going to be after so long. Finally I saw my mom on the other side of customs and in that second it literally felt like I had never left. We got in the car and drove home and it was such an amazing feeling to walk through the door. Everything in my house was the same as I had left it. My grandmother was there waiting to see me and my sisters were all sitting around on our couch watching the Flyers. It was very close to being perfect.

The only thing that was missing was the one who I was coming home to surprise. I had decided that since David had just spent two weeks straight with me in Spain I didn’t want him to know I was home because I wanted him to be able to spend his last few days in PA with his family and friends and getting done what he needed to do before heading off to Great Lakes. It was SO hard to be home and not tell him. As I was sitting there watching the Flyers with my family, he was texting me updates thinking that I was in Spain and unable to watch it. One of the texts he sent me also said “I wish I was watching it with you.” It was really hard not to say “Come over! I’m home!”

What’s really funny to mention is the things that I’ve gotten so used to in Spain that are now weird to me back in the United States. For example, when I went to flush the toilet for the first time I went to press the button on the top of the toilet bowl. That was something that was hard to get accustomed to in Spain and now it comes naturally! Also, as I was getting my phone charger out of my bag I was looking and looking for my adapter so I could plug it in. Suddenly, I realized I could simply plug it into the wall! It’s really strange how things become second nature in just a few months!

The next morning I couldn’t sleep, so I woke up and decided to run some errands. I went to the bank to figure some things out. On the way, I saw a gas station and even though I had half tank I decided to fill up because it was just something I haven’t done in forever and I wanted to try it. Then I went to the bank and the teller asked how my morning was going. I said “It’s great! It’s my first morning back in the States in three and a half months!” I spent a while explaining my situation to the teller before getting in my car and heading back home.

As I was stopping at a stop sign right before my street, in my rear view I see David behind me on his motorcycle. I could not believe it! I started shaking and freaking out! How could this possibly be?! I try to make a turn to throw him off, but he knew it was me so he pulled up beside me. Even though I didn’t get to surprise him the way I intended, it was a great surprise and seeing the happiness and shock in his eyes was everything I had imagined.
IMG_2385.JPGIt was actually such a blessing that he happened to “find” me the way he did. This gave us so much more time together over the weekend. We were able to do some of the things that we always do together one last time before he headed to boot camp.

Since I knew I was only home for the weekend, I knew I had to appreciate every single second before heading back to Spain. I enjoyed the things that I usually loathe back at home. Even sitting in traffic I didn’t mind. Because I was in my hometown and nothing else mattered.

Being with my family was fantastic. Not seeing them for so long really makes you appreciate every single one of them. I was able to spend time at both of my parents’ houses and with both of my parents. It really meant the world to me to be able to be with them again after three and a half months.

I am really excited to return home for the summer and spend a few months at home with my family before heading back up to school in the fall. I absolutely love my study abroad experience but I think it is definitely true that home is where my heart is.

I almost forgot the mention the FOOD! It was so great to have American food-something I’ve really felt deprived of this entire time! Even though the weekend was insane and I didn’t have that much time to enjoy all the food America has to offer, when I did eat it was really delicious. Especially the breakfast my dad and I had at Cracker Barrel before we headed to JFK airport for my flight back to Spain.
IMG_2411.JPGOf course it was hard to watch David leave. I miss him every second. However, I know that he is doing exactly what he wanted to do and I am so proud of him. I look back on the time we got to spend together in Spain and the fact that I was able to come home and spend one last weekend with him. Being grateful for the time we have had together and all of the wonderful memories are what helped me make it through. We didn’t say goodbye, just see you soon.
IMG_2409.JPGA HUGE thank you from the bottom of my heart to every single person who made this weekend possible for me. I loved every second I spent with every one of you. It meant the world to me.

Location: New York City, New York

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