The Ark

So I’ve been volunteering at the ARK for a couple of months now and it has been an amazing experience. The Ark is a refuge for individuals battling addiction and families without homes. Every Friday afternoon a couple of my friends (CIEE students) and I go to the Ark and play with the kids.

playground at the ark.jpg

What I find most amazing about these children is their ability to see the good and the silver lining in life in spite of all that they have gone through and are going through. This Saturday we decided to throw a braii (BBQ) for some of the young adults. We are going to have it at our RES in Liesbeek by the pool and the basket ball court just to give them a day to relax and hang out with some college students and pick our brains. The Friday before we are planning a career day for them just to let them see the wide range of opportunities and professions out there.  (Pics to come soon)

Location: Cape Town, South Africa

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