Bangkok, Thailand- Spring 2011

Thailand.jpgI am so excited to study abroad next semester in Bangkok, Thailand at Thammasat University. 

I plan to blog about the city, the school and the students.  I would also like to travel out and identify some of the community service projects that are happening in the area.  I will be sharing my experience learning the Thai language and also making a point to make a lot of friends while I am out there.

You can look forward to some crazy videos of me and the other students sharing our Penn State/Thammasat pride!

I am also interested in the Thai government and how they interact with the citizens so that will be great to explore.

I will also be connecting with quite a few America’s who have made Thailand their home.

I would love to blog every day if possible but more realistically I will probably be posting once a week… after all I am there to study.  I look forward to hearing your comments and am so glad you are all sharing this amazing experience with me!

I have booked my plane ticket and am leaving Monday January 2, 2012.  What a great way to start the year, as a global citizen.

The plane ride will be about 23 hours but I sleep well on planes and will try to learn Thai on the way over– that should keep me busy.  Hopefully I will work out all the kinks for posting videos shortly so I can share with you right away!!


Love Always

AllisonThumbnail image for IMAG0054.jpg

Location: Penn State University, Harrisburg

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