Hi everyone!
For those of you who don’t know, I’ve been starting to following European soccer more and more over the past few years, with FC Barcelona (Spain – La Liga) and Arsenal (England – Premier League) being my two favorite teams. Obviously being in Spain these past couple months has influenced things a bit and FC Barcelona is now the clear favorite. I had been talking with other people in my program for a while about seeing a Barcelona soccer game, and last weekend we finally made it happen – well at least one other guy and I went. We booked train tickets and a cheap hotel room, bought jerseys, and were ready to go.
I have already been to Barcelona before, and seen most of the sights there, but the guy who came with me hadn’t. As we were only going for one night, we had limited time. I showed him to Parc G�ell and La Sagrada Familia, the famous park and cathedral designed by Antoni Gaudi. The park hadn’t changed much since the last time I saw it, but there was a fire-twirler performing that was pretty cool. As the cathedral has been under construction since it began (and still isn’t done), there was a lot more done that was neat to see.
So that’s about all we did in Barcelona. We had 5 hour train rides to/from, during which they played us movies and I studied for the exams I had the next week. All in all, it was a good weekend.
I hope all is well with everyone who’s following my blog…I’m currently putting off writing an essay for my Spanish class. Until next time!
Location: Alicante, Spain
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