A Day in Pisa and Lucca

Hey Everyone! Sorry the blog updates have been so scarce this month but I’ve been really busy traveling and exploring. Over the next week, I’ll post a lot of updates all about my travels and experiences from the past few weeks. Thanks for bearing with me!

A Day in Pisa and Lucca

314005_10150799095525697_830985696_20456525_1322879963_n.jpgWe went to Pisa in September to visit the leaning tower and all of the surrounding sites. I’m not going to lie, I was expecting it to be a little bit bigger, but it was definitely leaning, a lot. Also, about those infamous pictures of people holding up the tower… not as easy as it looks. After a few failed attempts I threw in the towel and explored the surrounding buildings, which definitely made up for it.

The Cathedral was beautiful, but the Baptistery is what really made the experience special. At one point they closed all the doors and a man came in to sing. I had goose bumps all over my body as his voice carried to ever corner of the building with absolutely perfect acoustics.

While Pisa was beautiful and historical, Lucca was definitely one of the most fun trips I’ve had. When we arrived we toured the city and stopped for a delicious lunch, then we got to ride bikes! I know… bike riding doesn’t seem super special or anything, but what made it so neat was that we got to ride the bikes around the top of the wall that encircled Lucca. There were incredible views of the city’s interior and its breathtaking surrounding landscape.

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As we were getting ready to leave, we discovered a pretty big Renaissance Fair taking place. Everyone was dressed up dancing, singing, and selling their goods. We hung around for a while and explored the fair. Men were shooting cannonball blanks and catapulting boulders across the field. Needless to say, the day turned out to be a blast.  

Location: Pisa, Italy

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