And here comes the English weather…and a bit about fashion.

England is back to normal. The Indian summer is gone, and the rain has reared its head properly. The forcast for the rest of the week? Skattered showers and wind. I think I’m going to be sick of the rain soon, but I was kind of tired of being deluded by the weather.

I’ve written a few things down, and I’m going to have a brief say on some fashion stuff before I have to run to class (this typing before class is becoming a regular thing…)

First, everyone seems to be somewhat dressed up all the time. No one ever looks like they rolled out of bed and went to class. There are no sweatpants, very few hoodies (though more now that the weather is turning), and everyone looks like they “tried” in the morning.

And lots of scarves of all sorts.

No one wears any sort of running shoes just around. There are loads of ballet slippers, converse-type, toms, and short ankle boots (with jeans/tights/leggings tucked in), and Uggs (ugh! hate these…haha).

There are lots of leggings and tights around. Black tights with shorts over top are frequent. Black leggings with loads of different “long” tops. No flared/boot cut jeans. Everything is tight to the leg. Very few guys with baggy jeans.

Also, not many people carry backpacks. Girls have large handbag sort of things, and guys usually have messenger bags. There are some backpacks around, but I kind of feel self-conscious the days I bring mine because I have too much stuff to carry and it’s a long day.

Anyways, that’s the weather and fashion report. Cell biology lecture next!

Location: Leeds, UK

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One thought on “And here comes the English weather…and a bit about fashion.

  1. Joyce T. Chuinkam

    Hahaha.I was just in London last week for the last month! The weather WAS indeed intense! lol. Oh and I love your fashion highlights. I totally recognized most of the trends you are talking about! So interesting and stylish!

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