And I think to myself…

The other day I was walking back from the school and I was in an awful mood. The mosquitos were buzzing everywhere and it was way too hot for October. I was exhausted, hungry, and incredibly annoyed with all the tourists blocking the streets on the way to my apartment.

About half way home, there was a man sitting along the sidewalk playing his violin, which was nothing new. Every single day I pass at least six or seven musicians trying to make some money on the street. For the first week or two I enjoyed listening to them, and even looked forward to seeing the old man that was always playing the accordion on our street, but I was so used to it by now that he and everyone else just blended into the crowd.

I was getting ready to cross the street and maneuver my way around the crowds of people taking pictures, when I heard a familiar song. I couldn’t put my finger on it at first, but I knew I recognized it. I started walking again, and then I realized it was “What a Wonderful World” by Louis Armstrong. I stopped again to listen to the man play, and the lyrics came into my head. It was like a giant slap in the face.

I looked up and suddenly remembered why there were so many tourists taking pictures and blocking my way. I had gotten so used to my routine that I forgot how beautiful the city I live in was.  It really made me think about how lucky I am to have the opportunity to be here in the first place and how blessed I am in so many ways. I took my time going home that day, and even stopped for a cappuccino at one of my favorite bars.

I’m sure most of you can relate to getting caught up in your daily routine and letting all of the little things frustrate you. It happens to all of us, but try and stop and smell the roses every once in a while. Louis Armstrong said it best… it really is a wonderful world.

Louis Armstrong – What A Wonderful World

Location: Florence, Italy

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