Already One Month in France!

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This week marked the end of my first session at the C.L.A. I have learned so much. I went into the session with the weakness of “l’expression orale” (oral expression) and now I feel like I have improved an amazing amount. I also needed improvement in “l’expression �crit” (writing). We had the option of picking an elective and I choose “Soutien � l’Ecrit”, which is a writing class.  We discussed how to write a formal letter, postcards, regular letters, etc. We also discussed various ways to expression emotions in those writing samples.

This week I went to a music festival (La F�te de la Musique). It is a national day in France. All of the cities have one. There were so many different types of music, from rock, to traditional African music, to rap. I went with the other students at the CLA and had an amazing time.


  During this month I have been in France , I have tried so many different French dishes. One of my favorite dishes is “Quiche au Saumon” which is a quiche with salmon. In France, we have our salad with usually homemade vinaigrette consisting of mustard, olive oil, and vinegar. 


Location: Besançon, France

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