Spring time in Paris

Last week was the first week of spring and Paris is more beautiful than ever! I love spending the days by the Seine River, walking through the Marais, watching the sunset outside the pyramid of the Louvre and just wondering around exploring the city in 60 degree weather. 

The second to last Thursday was Saint Patrick’s Day, but Parisians don’t celebrate it. However, the Irish and Americans living in Paris definitely do. I was walking by Chatelet around dinner time on Thursday wearing a celebratory hat and three different French people asked me if it was Saint Patrick’s Day.

I have just been relaxing this week, not doing too many touristy things, but taking in real Parisian life in the spring time. Here are some pictures of my life….

Laying along the Seine River, I had a distant view of the Eiffel Tower and was right in front of Musee d’Orsay!

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Also, this weekend I went to Normandy, I will post all about it with pics in my next blog entry!

I only have a month left, so this week I am planning on doing EVERYTHING PARISIAN. This week: Catacombs, climbing Notre Dame, The Saint Denis Basilica and hopefully more, along with going out every night to experience the last of my Parisian social and night life.

Location: Paris, France

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