Welcome to Taiwan

It’s been 3 weeks or so since I’ve touched down in Taiwan but I haven’t started classes or seen my school. Classes don’t officially start until Feb. 23rd but I wanted to come back earlier in order to spend some time with my extended family and spend Chinese New Year here in Taiwan. 

Everything here is definitely more cramped and dirty. There are stray dogs and cats everywhere so it makes sense that there is plenty of animal poop on the streets as well. Mopeds are one of the primary if not THE primary source of transportation here. You can’t go anywhere without seeing one. I had the chance to ride one since I came and it’s definitely a thrill. On a moped, you can get to places faster than you would a car since they’re small and can maneuver around other cars and parking is so much easier. 
Chinese New Year is always very festive and busy in Asian countries. Much like our Thanksgiving, everyone returns to their household to have a feast on the eve of the new year. The kids would then get 紅包 [hong2bao1] (red evelopes) with money in it. 
I’ve been able to eat so much good food. I’ll spend about 1 more week in Tainan (in Southern Tainan) before going up North to Taipei where NCCU is. 

Location: Tainan, Taiwan

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One thought on “Welcome to Taiwan


    cool beans. luck you didnt start class till so late. taiwan is… interesting. mainlanders def has some interesting opinion about taiwan. their popculture is cool at least. jia you!

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