While you were sleeping

“It’s not the sort of thing you want to watch with your mother and George McLucas” – about Mom’s ketchup ad. (Somewhere there must be a George McLucas with whom you wouldn’t want to watch it.)

This time yesterday I was off to Leadenhall Market to meet Mo, Matt and some of their friends for after work drinks. Work, of course being the operative word, as my day consisted of getting caught in hail and a thunderstorm on my run. No, really, that was all of it. Leadenhall is a really cool outdoor/indoor street of pubs that seems very 19th century-Sherlock Holmes, and after several drinks Matt introduced the idea of going out for a proper Leadenhallmarket.jpgcurry. As I’ve been living off of canned tuna and Cheerios, this sounded like an excellent idea, particularly as I’d be able to follow other people, rather than find something myself. A delicious meal later, and the group broke up with everyone on their way to their comfortable beds/radiator floors. Or so I thought.

On the underground back to Lambeth North, I ran into a group of Londoners and Boston University drama students that I had met last week in Kensington. They were on their way to a club in Leicester Square, so, naturally, I invited myself along. If you’ve never been to Tiger-Tiger, I’m going to recommend that you go. Immediately. It’s one of those reeeeally skeezy bars with the most interesting mix of people. After one drink, I had met about 15 people who all promised to be my new best friend. There was the son of an ambassador, who traveled with his bodyguard; a Canadian backpacker, with a thick beard and a large knit sweater; and a group of Italian boys, who definitely did not look old enough to be in a bar. But my absolute favorite was this gorgeous prostitute who had wonderful pink candy floss hair and an upgraded 50’s housewife dress.

My prostitute quickly took me into the world of underground clubs, where everything is made out of glass, mirrors and black slate. She also refused to let us spend money, which I was more than happy to oblige, and she found someone to buy all of our drinks. Alas our friendship could not last the night (after all, she was working), and I reunited with my drama friends, before the place shutdown around 4. After a painful bus ride home, I slipped under my cape and fell deeply asleep.

But fortunately the day dawned semi bright, and Mo and I spent a wonderful afternoon hiking through Wimbledon, eating lunch and watching 30 Rock, before picking up a sheet, a blanket and a pillow. For all of you concerned, I did in fact bring towels, and I have been showering quite regularly.


Location: Leicester Square, London

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