The Count Down

I wanted to create an entry on my trip to Nikko, but since I cannot upload pictures, I will talk about the re-entry workshop I had today.

I was sad to be reminded that I will be leaving Japan and going back to America in 2 weeks. We were reminded to say our goodbyes and to get contact information from all the friends we have made this semester. I don’t want it to end!
One interesting thing that was mentioned was the reverse culture shock. I don’t think I’ve had a culture shock in Japan. To be honest, I don’t really know what it is! In the beginning of the semester, a lot of people asked if I had a culture shock, but I never really knew how to answer. I mean, yeah, there were things that I thought was interesting and surprised me, but I wouldn’t really call it a “shock.” So after hearing about this reverse culture shock, I’m interested in seeing how I would be when I go back. Last semester, I had a friend who went through a reverse culture shock and he said things felt different in America–that he took some time to adjust. Maybe that will happen to me as well.
After the workshop, I kept thinking about how much I would miss all the friends I have made here. It is a very depressing thought. It can be years before I get to see them again!
I will have to make the best out of these last 2 weeks and make sure I have no regrets! And I will definitely keep in touch with all these great people.
To add to that, all the final papers and exams are in these 2 weeks! Oh, what stress!!! That just gives us that less amount of time to be able to enjoy the rest of the time we have here.
Well, I’ll end it here now. Hopefully, the photo upload problem will be fixed soon.

Location: Chiba, Japan

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