Coping with differences – are they speaking English???

Our classes start tomorrow at the University of Chichester and I am finding that although we speak the same language, it seems entirely different. I’m sitting here at my desk trying desperately to figure out the meaning of my schedule, when my courses begin, where they are… I wish I brought my easy button. 

I have therefore come to the conclusion that British English and American English are two entirely different languages and we should take this into account well before we are bombarded with complicated documents that are pretty important in our preparation to becoming a teacher. 
Wish me luck tomorrow… hopefully I am able to find my classes!!! 
Look out for my next blog – we have a 6 day weekend and are making our way up the Italian coast – should have some good pictures for you all! 🙂

Location: Bognor Regis, United Kingdom

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One thought on “Coping with differences – are they speaking English???


    Thats very interesting. I always knew British English had some different vocab and slag terms but I never thought it would make things difficult to get around. Hope you find your classes okay!

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