So close!

Days until arrival: 1

Here it is. The time I have been waiting for for SO LONG. My flight into Nairobi leaves tomorrow night. I’m already in Africa– Egypt actually– on vacation, so I don’t think my flight will be terribly long. Once I arrive in Kenya I have to get my visa, somehow manage three suitcases, and meet the rest of the students and staff. From there, we will take another flight to Tanzania. There are two groups of students in the program; I am in group 1. So I will spend the first half the semester in Tanzania and the second in Kenya. That also means I will be doing my research project in Kenya. 
I don’t know what I am most excited about. Meeting the other students in my program is definitely up there. And meeting people in the Maasai village. I’ve learned a couple of Swahili words so far, and will be taking a language/culture class, so it will be so cool to communicate with the local people. Which brings me to something else I’m really excited about– at the end of the program, the students get to present their research findings to the people in the village. Its amazing to think about sharing your work with people who are actually effected by what your studying, and to be a part of change in a community. Finally, I’m just so excited to BE in that place. To smell the air, to see the herds of animals, to feel the dirt on my feet. Definitely tired of waiting. 
Well, my wait is almost over now. I’ll be posting again within the week… from Tanzania! 🙂

Location: Cairo, Egypt

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One thought on “So close!

  1. micah

    I am so proud of you and excited for you baby. You have worked so hard for this. Our vacation was amazing. I cannot wait to hear all about your adventures and what you learn there. I love you and am supporting you from here.

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