A beautiful city in love with soccer

The past couple days have involved lots of time settling into Buenos Aires–obtaining a (working!) local cell phone, trying their coffee, and touring around the city.  I have come to see this is absolutely beautiful city.

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All around, there is evidence of immigrants.  From the European architecture to the brightly colored houses (using colors from the boats in the harbor), this city reeks of other countries.

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Finally saw tango on the street during a local fair!  I’m not quite sure if fair is the right word, but it was a sort of art festival, that apparently takes place every Sunday.

Today, we toured the Boca Juniors stadium.  I never thought I’d say this, but it made me miss Penn State football.  The tour guide told us all about the fans jumping in their seats and rushing to climb the fence whenever a goal is scored.  Here, I demonstrated a crazy fan after a goal.  We were also strictly instructed never to sit in one section of the stadium–apparently that’s where the hooligans sit and cause mass chaos.  The tour guide was incredibly passionate about his team, continuously joking about the other team being smaller and showing off Boca Juniors’ trophies.  I guess it is true that people in other countries enjoy soccer so much more than people in the US.

Location: 964 Libertad, Buenos Aires, Argentina

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2 thoughts on “A beautiful city in love with soccer

  1. Anonymous

    How’s the coffee? How is it different from Starbucks? Is there a Starbucks?

    The city looks like it is beautiful and fun! Tango at a street fest!

    Thanks for sharing…

  2. Rick Powell

    Welcome to Buenos Aires!

    I’ve only been to one Boca game and it was a relatively quiet one. Quiet for Buenos Aires anyway. The hardocre fan-band never stopped playing and I must have heard the word “puto” a thousand times.

    Fun though.

    Enjoy your time here.

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