T-minus 18 Days!

We leave in 18 days! I am so excited! I cannot wait to get to know my host family and see how a normal day runs for them.  I am sure it will take awhile getting used to taking siestas seeing as I do not ever take naps or spend time just resting. My host family has a mom and a dad, a fourteen, thirteen and three year old. I am also excited to get to know the other students who are also traveling to Guanajuato through Penn State-whether they be from the Altoona campus or UP.  We have all done some research on Guanajuato, Mexico and have learned a little bit about what to expect of the cultural differences between PA and there.  I am also excited to start our classes and practice my spanish with other psu students as well as practice it with native spanish speakers.  I am taking two Spanish classse while in Mexico to finish my minor.  I am also eager to trade in these frio days in state college for the sweltering sun of Mexico. We will see after I am drenched in sweat from a 5 minute leisurely walk how much I really like the sun though.  I better pack some spf 500 because I know I am going to burnn. So, I hope that you will come with me as I experience life in Mexico and follow me on my journeys! I know that I am going to miss many of you, so your comments and words of encouragement will be much appreciated! 

Location: Boucke builidng University Park, PA

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