Getting Started

Hello Everyone,

My name is Lexi and I will be studying in Guanajuato, Mexico this summer, and everything is happening so quickly. I think there are only 17 days until we leave and I am so far from ready. My biggest concern is calling my family, I needed to do it weeks ago but my nerves are getting to me… Anyway, hopefully sometime this week. I’m so excited to work on my Spanish again. I studied in Venezuela last spring and have been loosing it ever since. Today in class my profesor put a list of words up and ask if we knew how to say them in Spanish. It was so frustrating because I know that I’ve learned every one of them before and at one point I would have been the first in the class to raise my hand, but thats all gone. Its not like I’ve been slacking on it, but now that I’m in higher level Spanish classes, we don’t concentrate on all the vocabulary. And like they say, if you don’t use it, you loose it. Hopefully this summer helps. Here is a picture of downtown Guanajuato, hopefully I’ll have a lot more to tell you next time i write. Till next time.   -Lexi



Location: State College, PA

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