Tag Archives: update


Hey guys, I promised I’d make an update entry, so here goes!

I have everything [almost] finalized. I bought the plane ticket and I’ll be flying to Tokyo, Japan on August 30th, and arriving the 31st. I will be leaving Japan on December 19th. I also completed all the required forms (except visa) for study abroad! Everything was due on June 1st and I mailed it in a few days before that, but all the forms weren’t processed until June 3rd! They prioritized on processing the Bank Letter first since it was required for the COE form (required for the visa later in August.) I should have started all these forms a long time ago. Luckily, I didn’t have any problems so I’m glad for that. I also applied for the Field Placement Program, which will [hopefully] match me up with an organization so I can go in once a week to ‘work’ and observe. I heard good things about it so hopefully it’ll be something meaningful for me as well.
Another news is that I applied for the Gilman Scholarship back in April and I finally received an email from them, and they’ll be supporting me! I also got a letter from the Bridging Scholarship, but no luck. 
The next thing for me to do is to contact my consulate and wait until I receive the COE form to complete for the visa! Everything will be going on 2-3 weeks before the start of the program!
Alright, that’s all for now! The next time I update will either be a few days before I fly to Japan or when I’m in Tokyo!
See you next time!

Location: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania