Tag Archives: thoughts

Pre-Departure Musings

Florence (n.) the capital of Tuscany; the birthplace of the Renaissance; once named one of the world’s most beautiful cities by Forbes’ Magazine; my home for the first four months of 2016
Wrapping up winter break with a visit to Little Italy, NY

Wrapping up winter break with a visit to Little Italy, NY

Ciao, my name is Angela. I am a junior majoring in journalism and minoring in international studies at Penn State University, and I’ll be living and studying in Florence, Italy for a little while. I come from a little town about 20 minutes outside of the city of brotherly love. Although my hometown and my neighboring home-city are my two first loves, I’ve dreamed of travel ever since I was little—a much bolder and far more fearless dreamer—and nothing in this world (other than travel) has ever looked so exciting! I’m not sure how I’ll process all of the “new” once I arrive, but for now, I’m just preparing myself (the best I can) to be open, optimistic, and ready to embrace everything as much as humanly possible.

Why Florence, Italy?

To be quite frank, I actually didn’t know where to go. But, I had always heard stories about Italy’s beauty, charm, and of course, its gelato. Once when I was little, I stumbled upon the words, “You may have the universe if I may have Italy,” by Giuseppe Verdi, a composer of Italian operas. The sentiment fascinated me, and travel had my heart ever since. Growing up, I continued to come in contact with beautiful images of Italian sights and splendid stories from my friend Katie Mae, who was an au pair right outside of Rome.

When it became time to choose my host country, all I knew was that I had warm and homey feelings attached to central and southern Italy. I figured, I’ve got to start somewhere if I intend to see everything, and Florence seemed like a lovely place to begin.

Three Days Before Departure

In just three days, I’ll step foot onto a plane. This makes me a little bit nervous! Although, I have traveled before—adventuring through Eastern Europe for two weeks. It was Easter break of my junior year in high school, and twelve other girls and I set out to explore Germany, Austria, Hungary, Slovakia, and the Czech Republic. A little, old, Austrian man named Norman accompanied us as our tour guide along with Chief, our chaperone. Norman would tell us stories about each place we visited, and everyday he’d let us go exploring on our own. Mind you, we went to an all girls high school, and we were all 16 or 17 at the time wandering about countries that were foreign to us (buddy system of course!) Needless to say, the quote of the trip was, “Norman is out of control!” Thankfully, getting stuck in an elevator with my lovely rommate, Megs, was the only bad thing that had happened, and probably the funniest, too.

The next four months will be my longest stay overseas yet. I feel little butterflies, and my tummy kind of does somersaults when I think about it. So, I have been trying not to think. The older I get, the easier it is to be fearful because I am little more aware.

Little Italy, NY

Little Italy, Mulberry Street, Brooklyn, New York

At this point, I’m just gathering last minute items like locks for my backpack zippers and other staple pieces of clothing so I can pack lightly and re-wear a lot of the same clothes in an array of creative pairings. I haven’t yet packed my suitcase, but that’s next on the list. I’m afraid I’ll forget things, but then again, I can always run to the markets once I get there in case anything imperative is left behind, (or so I tell myself). Compiling the travel playlist is also pretty exciting. I’ve got a stellar christian contemporary line-up for the plane.



I think I’ll miss my family and my pup. I love them so much, but at the same time, I am so excited to get away for four whole months to see things, (and hopefully) grow, and change, and be a bit stronger when I return. I’m treating these next four months as a retreat from everything I have ever truly known.

I imagine living among the locals, studying, deepening my Catholic faith, visiting the Eternal City, exploring churches and other places of religious significance, admiring art and ancient architecture, enjoying Italian food and hospitality, and (most hopefully) blending in as a seasoned traveler and modeling the Italian ideal of fare bella figura—to have a beautiful figure.

Although these wishful reveries are true to Florence, there’s definitely a ton about this city that I do not know, and it’s already apparent that this could very well be an unforgettable experience…

Join me as I find my bearings and, explore lo stivale, the boot, the beautiful peninsula the Italians call home!


Location: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Just 5 more weeks

Hi my name is Dannie and I’ll be going to Beijing, China during the spring semester of 2011.  I’m going primarily to improve my Chinese, but also to get a full China experience. 

People always ask me “are you excited to go”.  Strangely enough, the answer is always “no, it hasn’t quite hit me yet”.  And I reckon it won’t until i step out of Beijing National Airport on January 15th.  I guess a main reason why it hasn’t hit me is because this semester was so hectic.  On top of all the school work, the entire application process for studying abroad was quiet cumbersome.  Applying for scholarships was also pretty taxing.  But now that mostly everything has fallen into place, all my forms are in order, my plane ticket has been purchased, and I have selected my courses.. yeah, I’m a looking forward to it. 

What is your biggest deterrent for studying abroad?  Mine was probably cost.  In terms of credits, I came in with enough to graduate on time; I’m taking mostly electives abroad but I don’t mind.  I want to step out of my comfort zone and explore a grand world we live in, so that wasn’t the issue either.  But even the biggest reason against going to China has been resolved!  Praise God, I’m essentially going abroad for free, after all the generous scholarships I have been awarded.  For anyone seriously interested in studying abroad, I believe that this could be a possibility to you, so give me a shout out if you want to learn more about the Whole World Scholarship or the Gilman Scholarship. 

Isaac Newton was a famous physicist and mathematician.  However, despite his accomplishments and discoveries, he humbly says, “If I have seen further than others, it is because I stood on the shoulders of giants”. And in a lot of ways, I feel the same way too.  I feel as though despite my own reasons for doing things and for having goals, a lot of it was derived from people who I look up to.  As much as I want to take ownership of the Language Intensive Program at Beijing, it was John Cho who influenced me to do it.  Rediscovery.  Validity for something I think is not mine.  I couldn’t quite find it here, maybe I’ll find it elsewhere. 

Till next time,
Dannie Kim

Location: State College, Pennsylvania

This Side of the Pond

Hello all, my name is Amelia Hawbaker and I’m currently a sophomore at Penn State University.  I will be traveling to the University of Kent, Canterbury (UK) next fall.  I will be there for the entire semester, and I’m really hoping to get in some good travel-time before I begin orientation at Kent.  With any luck, my lovely sister (Olivia) will be jet-setting around Europe with me during August (and by jet-setting I mean backpacking), and will be able to deposit me in Kent prior to orientation. 

I have traveled through some parts of Europe already, but I am absolutely thrilled that I will be able to live there for an extended period of time.  I fully anticipate returning to the States with a host of new/awesome phrases (i.e. things like, “mind the gap”, “bollocks”, and “cheerio”) that I will be able to use on a daily basis, and possibly a pair of Wellies (for those who don’t know, Wellies are a fantastic type of rainboots). 

As of right now, I haven’t thought about the actual trip or packing too much.  The end of the semester always tends to be a crazy time, so I will get into all of the trip requiremetns and details after the semester is over.  That’s pretty much all for now, more to come when I get into the summer and semester trip planning!

Location: Corning, NY