Tag Archives: motherland

Vodka and Mayonnaise and Bears, OH MY!

After telling people where I was studying abroad this summer, I got a lot of funny reactions: Most of the time I got worried reactions (people asking if I was okay), sometimes I received agonizing looks, and I even witnessed a few angry outbursts. It’s true: Russia isn’t everybody’s first choice for vacation or study, but it’s mine. I love telling stories and am naturally curious, and I see studying abroad in Russia as an opportunity to challenge myself and to inform others about a culture that perhaps they don’t know very much about.

It hasn’t really hit me yet that I am going to be in Russia on Friday. I will be living in St. Petersburg with a Russian family, taking classes in Russian (!??!?!!) about the Russian language and culture, and exploring not only a new world …but a new me.

Just a year ago, I was packing up my stuff for my freshman year at Penn State. I never imagined that this summer would see me off to the Motherland. And I definitely never imagined that I would be taking an oath to speak only in Russian. But hey, I wouldn’t have it any other way, and I cannot wait to soak it in!

I AM nervous, though. Naturally… I have a long plane ride with a few layovers, and packing was a nightmare. Thank goodness I finished that… today… And I am also anxious about living in a Russian family’s home for 8 weeks. What if I can’t understand them? What if they don’t like me? What if I get lost trying to get to St Petersburg State University every morning (the metro system is a whole different story!)? I realize these little worries are stupid to fret over. I’ll get over there and it’ll be fine. Actually, it’s going to be a lot better than fine. It’s going to be amazing – quite the life experience – and I am going to savor the Russian language and culture and share the beauty and excitement of Russia with all of you.

So watch out, world. I am packed (I hope I’m not forgetting anything…) and ready for a challenge. This surreal adventure that I am about to embark on is ON!

Location: Pittsburgh, PA