Tag Archives: laundry

Life is still good

The first week of final exams is over and tomorrow starts the second (and last) week of them. I already turned in my 3000 word international politics essay and sat my geography exam. The exam went well and the essay, well, it’s finished. It was really hard to care about those two modules because I was just interested. But that basically sums up my entire university career: stuck in modules/courses/majors that I actually don’t like. Whoops. Anyway, I just have one exam left and it is for my favorite module “Sexuality, Subculture and Stigma”. I’m already feeling prepared because I did a lot of work/reading throughout the module and the topics on the final are of personal interest to me. So that should go well. 
Onto more exciting matters. 
I’ve been back in Leeds for almost 2 weeks now, but until a few days ago I hadn’t unpacked. I had just been busy working so I left my suitcase to sit in the middle of my floor. Well, when I went to unpack it (Thursday?) I discovered that my jumbo container of shampoo my mom bought at Wal-Mart for me had exploded. Yes, it was in a bag, but that didn’t help at all. So I sorted everything into two piles: shampoo-ed and not shampoo-ed. Cleaned off my food stash and then looked at the suitcase. I used 2 mops, my one towel, two t-shirts and a sock to scrub and wash and dry and repeat. It took me over an hour to get most of the shampoo off and I decided that was OK. I then called my mom about my clothes. She told me just to put them in the wash and it’d be OK. 
I did.


It was not OK. 
The housing office man thought it was funny. The cleaner did not. Housing man gave me a free wash to try again (it worked!), but it still ended up costing me about 10 pounds ($16) to do laundry that day. It’s super expensive here and I was quite annoyed. But it’s all good now! And aside from a faint scent of shampoo and the taste of it on one of my toothbrushes, you can’t even tell.
My friends and I have been hanging out/procrastinating/all that loads even though we’re super busy with exams/essays. And it’s been loads of fun, as usual. I’m getting a new flat mate too since one of them dropped out last semester. One of the girls from my belly dancing class said she got moved to my building so we think it’s her! Could be exciting.
I’ve also bought my one way ticket to Madrid for April. I’m visiting my best friend who will be studying abroad in Cordoba. Since I have the entire month off, we’re going to travel to Italy and such. I can’t book my return yet, though, because we haven’t figured out where exactly we’ll be. Good planning, yes?
Am also going to London (yes, again) in two weeks to have a pre-birthday thing for Bertie with his friends there and to (hopefully) go back to the Comedy Store. Yes, I spend a lot of time in London. It’s still my favorite place in the world, though. 
I have so much more I could say, but I shall refrain from flooding the internet with any more babble. 

Location: leeds, uk