Tag Archives: Hangul

Korean Alphabet Day ! 한글날 !

Text log 100822

Tomorrow, October 9, is Hangul Day !   xD   –and no classes
ㄱㄴㄷㄹㅁㅂㅅㅇㅈㅊㅋㅌㅍㅎㅏㅑㅓㅕㅗㅛㅜㅠㅡㅣ !!!
Hangul is the Korean alphabet man-made by this guy:
(This smart guy’s on the 10,000won bill (~$10))
I have a huge love of the Korean alphabet just as much as the language itself ; “accidentally” learning Hangul got me excited enough to start learning the language and now here I am !!! in Korea… oops. =/ 
Sorry, Mom.
From what my Korean teacher says, Hangul is the only written language that was made based on the formations of the mouth. 
Hangul is said to be the best of the alphabets, and I hafta agree, overall. 
Like East Asian languages (Chinese and Japanese), every character represents a syllable. But the problem with Chinese is that there is really no pattern. Japanese has some patterns but, compared to Korean, Korean comes out on top with organization. 
Lemme explain:
These are some consonants: ㅎㄴㄱㄹ  (” h n g l “)
Here are two vowels: ㅏ ㅡ   (” a u “)
Every character Starts with a consonant in the upper or upper left region, and then a vowel to the right or below. Many syllables end with a consonant. 
Example: “ga” and “nu” and “han” and “gul”
(Syllables can have a fourth letter, but they’re stupid and I won’t get into that ㅜ_ㅜ)

Put them together and you have 한글 “han-gul”   –WHOA HOLD UP ! THAT’S EASY
                                  — Post script: Oh, and school and tourist life are going well~ :3
This blog has been brought to you by the letter  “Jjwelh” (not a real letter, I’m just showing off how fun Hangul is)
초코송이 chocolate/cracker candy

Location: Sogang Computer Lab