Tag Archives: departure

An Offer I Couldn’t Refuse

The journey is about to begin. The adventure is nearing, and for the first time in my life I am actually packed before the day of departure. For those of you who don’t know, my name is Morgan. I am a junior studying Public Relations at Penn State University, and I will be spending the next 4 months studying abroad in Perugia, Italy.

Traveling is something I look forward to. There are 2 things I want to accomplish more than anything else in my life: to travel the world and to meet Morgan Freeman. Sadly, the latter is much more difficult, but I am thrilled to be given this opportunity to travel to a beautiful country such as Italy. Although I don’t know how to say anymore than maybe 5 words (hello, goodbye, thank you, bathroom, pizza) in Italian, I can’t wait to be immersed in their culture. It will be exciting to explore the language, the food, and the people.

Now, my preparations have been somewhat subpar. I apologize. I’ve done my general research on Italy and the city of Perugia, but unfortunately much of my Italian cultural knowledge has been obtained from The Godfather…part I, II, and III. But if there is anything I’ve learned from the classic film it’s that Italian culture values family and history, and that is something I look forward to being a part of and learning more about. History intrigues me and luckily Italy is rich in it. I don’t think I have been more eager to learn in my life.

So here I am…just hours away from venturing on this exploration. I hope to truly absorb the Italian culture. That is why I chose a town like Perugia, which puts you in a true non tourist-like kind of vibe. I hope to gain a new understanding for people of all aspects of life. I hope to get more in touch with the art and architecture that helped influence so much of the world throughout the years. But most importantly, I hope to discover more about myself during my first real voyage away from home.

This study abroad offer was one I could not refuse! I am grateful to be given this opportunity, and I wish for you to follow along with my blog and join me on my journey.

Goodbye America! Ciao Italia!



Location: Columbia, MD

Pre-Departure: St. Petersburg, Russia

If you were to ask me how long I’ve wanted to visit Russia, I’m not sure I could give an accurate answer. I don’t remember a time when I didn’t dream of setting foot in the former USSR. To tell the truth, I still can’t quite believe that in under twelve hours from the time this entry is published, I’ll be riding in an airplane bound for St. Petersburg. But perhaps first some sort of introduction is in order.

My name is Michael Mattia. I was told that, when it came to wanting to visit the Russian Federation, I was somewhat of a peculiar case. And I can understand why – I have no relatives in Russia, nor am I Russian by descent. My intended major, Veterinary and Biomedical Science, doesn’t have any overlap with Russian history or language. I am not sure why I’m so captivated by Russian culture and history. But I am, I always was, and I’m sure I always will be.

My Russian is limited. The language was not offered in my high school and my major has no language requirement.  All the Russian that I presently know was self-taught over the course of the last three years. I hope that the Russian Area Studies programme with CIEE (through St. Petersburg State University) is going to give me a more appreciable grasp of Russian (I of course can’t expect fluency given my limited background). But, without question, I’m going to St. Petersburg for far more than solely a chance to learn more Russian.

I want to walk across Palace Square, the ground that was home to a revolution that changed not just the history of a single country, but the history of the entire world. I want to walk down the Nevsky Prospect, the setting of countless pieces of Russian literature. I want to witness the ‘white nights’ of St. Petersburg for myself, to see if they are as magical Dostoevsky described them. I want to hear and sing the old imperial-era folk tunes and Soviet songs alike, and stand beneath the statue of Lenin at Moskovskaya Station.

And now I can finally say that I don’t just WANT to do all of these things; I instead, after years of waiting, will finally make some of those wants a tangible reality.

I invite you to follow along with me as I explore the world behind what once was called the Iron Curtain. You never know what might become your new historical and cultural interest.

And to my friends and family back home, remember that my departure is not “goodbye” – its only “do svidaniya.

Location: Freehold, New Jersey, United States of America

Zaijian Beijing (Goodbye Beijing)

Here I am in Kimpo, South Korea, a few weeks after that fated day, the day when I last saw Beijing.  I’m still dazed and confused, utterly blindsided by what just happened to me these past few months.  Indeed, what just happened? 

I woke up at 7 that morning, but went to sleep at 3.  Last day celebration extravaganza at Wudaokou, Beijing’s foreigner/bar district.   Wasn’t too tired that morning.  It was more of a wispy “dude, I can’t believe I’m leaving this place, this place I’ve called home for the last 4 months” kind of feeling.  I packed up my stuff.  Ended up buying so many souvenirs that I had to buy a second luggage case.  For some reason my judgment lapsed during that purchased and I convinced myself that 300 RMB wasn’t bad for a luggage case.  I completely failed to factor in the Chinese’s continual dedication to craftsmanship and quality (insert sarcasm).  But hey, you get what you pay for.

My friends all gathered to my dorm room door at around 10:30 in the morning.  They wanted to catch lunch with me before I headed off, as I was the first to leave out of our group.  With some degree of poetic irony, I chose the shoujuabing stand.   As Gob Bluth once said: Return from whence you came.  I slapped Nick on the back and asked him if he remembered  our first time there and the buttload of troubles we had just trying or order something, anything.  We didn’t know the menu, any of the Chinese characters on the menu, or what we were supposed to say.  So I resourcefully said “I want the same” after the guy in front of us ordered.  It turned out to be the first of many times I ate a delicious shoujuabing, but that day was to be my last.  With a much greater degree of fluency, I ordered the works, something I’ve been too stingy (or maybe scared?) to try before.  One crispy flour pancake wrapping around cheese, egg, lettuce, a variety of sauces, and not one but two pieces of bacon.  It was to die for and the most fitting of last meals. 

So we all grabbed our meals and a drink and sat outside the tables just outside the Red Umbrella convenience store, thusly named for the red umbrellas it puts out during the summer.  I’ve yet to see these umbrellas and probably never will.  We chatted, reminisced about our adventures in China and our plans for the summer.  Then I said my goodbye.  Many of my friends planned on staying for the summer in order to better solidify their Chinese, so they urged me to stay as well.  Perhaps if I didn’t already have plans this summer, I would’ve obliged.  But alas, I have Korea and an internship waiting for me in the States. 

So is this goodbye?  This may be copying a little too directly from Will Fienberg’s IES Beijing commencement ceremony speech, but whatever.  Zaijian translates to “goodbye”, but more literally, it means “See you again”.  In that sense, maybe I will see this country again: a place where explosive growth is happening, a place of extremely deep and profound culture, a place that boasts one of the most difficult languages to learn…  A place I’ve once called home.  I’ll see you again someday.  As for my friends, I’ll see you guys again someday too.  Till then, zaijian.  

Location: Kimpo, South Korea