Tag Archives: change

Ohhh, Change …

If you are a bit confused and disoriented upon visiting the GeoBlog, not to worry: the site is changing, and you are not, in fact, losing your mind. The style and layout you are now viewing is the first of many (I hope) changes. Please be patient through this period of transformation, as the site may not always look and feel quite right. It has been said, “All great changes are preceded by chaos” [Deepak Chopra]. Ok, so renovating a blog site may not be exactly the “great changes” Mr. Chopra was referring to. At any rate, the sentiment is suitable to this situation.

Thank you all for your continued time and dedication to the GeoBlog. I hope that you will find the new look and feel of the blog to be an improvement!


Location: 422 Boucke Building, Penn State University, State College, PA