Author Archives: rqf5010

First Weeks are Hard

So I wrote this earlier in the week and tried to post, then spent 20 minutes trying to get some uncooperative pictures in.  I have decided to give up on this post with them which is sad because I saw a blue duck.  I have also realized that I mixed up Berg (mountain) and Burg (castle).  I’ll blame this on the heat of adventure… or something like that.


Time for update 1!

Today was my first day of language class. Its a month long immersion course two months before real classes start. I thought my understanding would sort of be on par with it. I was wrong. Turns out I am about a foot and a half too short for it – it was way over my head. Now to mix metaphors: hopefully I am a good enough swimmer that I can keep afloat. Either that or grow a lot. Loss.

After that disaster of a class today I left and found a small caf� for something to eat. Turns out you can’t order inside then eat outside. Also, an espresso is actually a tiny cup with strong brown liquid in it that sort of resembles coffee. I wouldn’t call this a total loss, but it wasn’t a win either. Lets chalk this up as a tie.

I have been told by many people how lovely this city is and how beautiful the Swarzwald (Black Forest) is. I went on a little adventure. Just me, my pack with all of the homework I am putting off until later and my phone. Google has an app called MyTracks. Its awesome. I get lost easily in cities, but this keeps track of me so I know where I have been (or where I am going), then you can save the trip and look at it later. Nifty app.

Anyway, I ended up traipsing through the forest for a total of 3.75 miles. I found a couple beautiful look outs and even found a tower that was supported with giant logs. As a result of this, if you stand at the very top and do a butt-wiggle the entire tower sways.

After this tower I continued on in search of Schlossberg. (I got lost in the woods for a little, but that was sort of on purpose and completely for fun.) What I found was just a tiny remnant of something that didn’t look like what a Burg should look like. I am assuming I found the wrong place. Google isn’t helping. I will have to go back. I’ll call this a win cause I broke my ankle in the middle of April and had no problems today.

All in all, I’d say so far Freiburg and I are even. Time to read the dictionary.

Location: Freiburg, Germany

Trial by Fire

Hello, my name is Russell Faber and I attend(ed) the PSU Altoona branch campus. I am a senior in the EMET program with a minor in German and in September of this year I will be moving to Germany.  The plan is to spend two semesters in Freiburg and hopefully master a language during the process.  I opted to try the Geoblog while away as a way to keep my thoughts and experiences together and also as a way to show off to friends and family.  This is only the first post of I think 36 – I have forgotten what the total demanded amount of posts is.  Come Fall and my departure for Germany, posts should start appearing more sporadically.  Enjoy!

Location: Office Desk, PA