Author Archives: Marjorie Elizabeth Schill

“Oh, don’t you dare look back. Just keep your eyes on me.”

Well, I suppose that it’s about time I start writing this blog, after almost two weeks in London. So much has happened, and I have so much to talk about. I feel awful that I have been so irresponsible and have waited so long to share my adventure. I was sure that I would have no trouble balancing a blog with my classes and an internship and exploration and travel. I guess that hasn’t quite been the case. Honestly, I’m balancing even more than that. I’m trying to build relationships with the people around me, which requires being involved in social outings and not saying no to any opportunities. I’ve also only recently recovered from jet lag. It’s been a crazy two weeks, without a lot of down time. Am I complaining? Not at all. I just want you all to know that I will be more diligent in keeping this blog from this moment onward.

Good. Now, that we have that out of the way, let’s move on. When you read the title of this post, you might have recognized the lyrics from a song by Walk the Moon. This is something that I’m hoping to do with all my posts, titling them with song lyrics that I enjoy or find meaningful in some way. The particular song that I quoted this time is one that I listened to quite a bit in the days before I left for London. Like the lyrics say, I’m not looking back. I knew as soon as I got on the plane for London that I was in for an amazing adventure, as hard as it was to say goodbye to the people I love. So far, this city has not disappointed me. I’m totally absorbed in the present, soaking in everything around me. I have many stories that I’m going to save for another day because I don’t want this post to go on forever. I promise to write often, though, and include pictures and videos.

Before I go, let me quickly tell you about my experience flying here. First, I want to mention that it was my first time flying, so I was already kind of stressed out about it. Anyway, one of my best friends took me to the Newark Airport where I was supposed to catch my flight, and we discovered that it wasn’t going to be as simple as we thought. Things definitely didn’t go as I had planned. A bunch of the flights that night were delayed, and mine was one of them. My friend got on the phone to work things out, and I was put on a new flight that would have stopped in Atlanta, Georgia, and Amsterdam before reaching London. As soon as we worked this out, we discovered that the flight to Atlanta was delayed. We called again, and I was put on another flight that was leaving the next day. We had no idea where we were going to stay for the night, and we ended up finding a place through Airbnb. We stayed in an apartment in Times Square that was owned by a guy named Juan and had a fun time exploring New York City. What could have potentially been very stressful actually turned in to quite an adventure and a crazy story.

Obviously, I eventually made it to London. After an exhausting couple of days, I had finally arrived…