Twas the Hours Before Takeoff

I have roughly four hours left to cuddle with my dog before I leave for the airport. Yes my parents will be missed while I am on this amazing adventure, but leaving my dog is the real upset here. Besides the minor sadness I feel whenever I look into his big brown eyes, I am extremely excited!!!

My yesterday involved running around and doing everything last minute. Of course I have been home from Happy Valley since Thursday of last week. But rather than beginning to pack and get myself ready, I instead lounged on my couch watching countless episodes of 30 Rock for the past week. So when I realized I needed a converter, a new suitcase, toiletries, and six weeks worth of clothing I began to have a panic attack.

Luckily I slapped myself out of the stress and let the time-crunch fuel my excitement. The day was then spent rocking out to some Taylor Swift while I packed my entire closet. I kid you not… I was twenty pounds over the allowed limit. I always brag that I am a woman who does not need materialistic things, however when I weighed my suitcase and saw I was at 76 pounds, I began to reevaluate my claim. Maybe it was my seven pairs of jeans or three sweatshirts that I insisted come along that really put me over the limit, but it took me three times repacking before my bag was down to 46 pounds.  I am still trying to squeeze things in, but my mom keeps yelling at me.

Despite our slight bickering, my mom and I are off to Dunkin’ Donuts to get me a final coffee before my flight. The only bad thing about Germany is I don’t think they have Dunkin’s there. Oh well. I’ll sacrifice my dark roast for big pretzels and delicious chocolate.

Location: New Jersey

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2 thoughts on “Twas the Hours Before Takeoff

  1. cmc6168

    I liked how you described the frenzy of last minute packing after a week of procrastination. Good luck in Germany!

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