Three Cities in Three Days

Just this past weekend, I visited three cities in three days. It’s a very popular tour known here as “BVS” aka “Budapest, Vienna, Salzburg”. We took an agency known as FlorenceForFun, which left for Hungary Thursday night. It was a twelve hour bus ride, which for someone that has just flown everywhere her whole life, was exhausting.

Budapest, however, was beautiful! The city is quite large but the weather wasn’t the best-okay, actually, let’s just say it: The weather was horrible. It was the coldest I’ve been in Europe so far, and the wind was unrelenting. It’s a shame because I found the city to be gorgeous, but I was pretty unwilling to take my hands out of my pockets for pictures.


However, the bitter cold was ignorable once we got to the hot baths of Budapest-definitely the highlight of this trip. It was so fun, and there was even a whirlpool area that I gladly made use of! It was essentially a giant heated public pool, but I promise it was not anything unsanitary like some of my friends were thinking.


The only part of Budapest that disappointed me, besides the weather, was that we didn’t get to spend more time in the market. The smells of different kinds of cooked meat were wafting everywhere plus all these cool looking souvenir stands were up, but sadly my tour guides just cut through the market. If I have one regret this weekend, it’s that I didn’t get to spend more time there.

The next day, we drove four hours to arrive in Vienna, Austria. I personally liked Vienna more than Budapest, because as a girl, I love shopping, and Vienna has some great shopping to be done. However, like the day before, the weather was freezing and I really couldn’t stand to be outside too much. Instead, we did a quick walking tour to see the main sights of the city, and then found solace in a well known beer hall.

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On Sunday, I went to Salzburg, which was just about three hours from Vienna. I opted to do the Sound of Music tour, which takes everyone to all the spots where the Sound of Music was filmed-however, since I’ve never actually watched the Sound of Music (Gasp, I know, I am blasphemous) none of the sights had that much relevance to me. Rest assured though, it is high on my “To Watch” list so I can fully appreciate the experience!


One thought on “Three Cities in Three Days

  1. Anna

    It’s so cool that you were able to visit these places! I really want to go to Vienna while here in Europe though I do want to wait to visit that part of the continent until it gets a little warmer. I have been spoiled with relatively warm weather (relative to the rest of Spain, where they are receiving unexpected snow and have no idea how to deal with it). Your pictures look beautiful and I am hoping they will inspire me to book a flight there!

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