Trip to Firenze

Whats going on everybody?! Thank you all for the positive feedback on the last post!  If anyone wants to personally contact me with questions regarding studying abroad feel free to shoot me an email at

This past weekend my roomates and I took a trip to Firenze (Florence), Italy.  We bought a train ticket, which perfectly resembled an airplane as far as accommodation and comfort.  We rented an apartment on the website, which in my opinion is the best way to stay at in a city when traveling.  Most people will advise you that hostels are cheap and the best way to stay overnight at a city, but they do not know what they are missing with the comfort you have with a bnb.  We booked the bnb for 35 euro for two nights per person.  The bnb was only half a block away from the Duomo of Florence.  Florence is a beautiful city in regards to its architecture, its historic buildings, its amazing duomo (3rd highest in italy), and the overall structure of the city where everything is in walking distance.

While we in Florence my roomates and I were set on accomplishing three things: practice our italian speaking skills, eat amazing food, and purchase a leather good.  There was an amazing restaurant recommended to me by a friend that supposably it was loud, the waitresses were rude, everyone was screaming, and the food could not be any fresher.  The idea that a restaurant like this even existed, excited us a lot and we decided to try it.  The restaurant is called alla vecchia bettola.  It is by far the most amazing food I have ever had in my life, and a great experience of eating in that restaurant.  Florence is know for its leather goods, and everywhere you walk you see vendors with their shops that sell jackets, belts, purses, etc..  It is a great way to practice your italian by negotiating with the vendors to be able to pay the best price!

I personally would not study abroad in Florence.  I personally felt like I was in the 51st state of America.  Everybody I talked to in Florence spoke Enlgish.  I rather be studying abroad in a city where you can immerse yourself more in the culture, and truly learn the language.  Overall, Florence is a must see city in Italy!

Thank you for taking the time to read the blog, and I will be sure to keep everyone updated in the next blog.

Il Dumo di Firenze


The view from our bnb window



A horse taking a break from giving tour rides


Location: florence

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