Thank you taking the time to read this blog. My name is Kyle Gerardi and I will be studying in the Dominican Republic for the next few months. I am a junior business major with a possible Spanish minor. If you are reading because you are interested in studying abroad, I hope to give you good insight and an honest viewpoint about my experiences. If you are a friend or family member, I hope you will enjoy the ride as much as I will. If I do not explain something well, please do not hesitate to comment below, and I will try my best to get back to you.
I have been out of the country many times before, including a four month trip to Switzerland a few years ago and a seven week trip to Scandinavia last summer. I have kept a journal on each of my trips, and will do the same for this one. I always write an entry before I arrive, as well as an entry on my flight back home. My first post usually contains what I am feeling, or what I am nervous about. I also include expectations about where I am going and what I will experience. It sounds a bit corny, but the best part about the writing that I do is looking back on it months or years later. It is quite literally a window to your own past and you can see exactly how you used to think. Writing is just as good if not better for documenting the specific details of a trip as photos. However, looking at pictures can ignite memories that may have been forgotten.
One would think that pre-departure nerves decrease with each trip, but the exact opposite seemed to happen this time. This is my first trip where I am expected to use Spanish on a daily basis. Spanish is my second language, and I have only studied it for two years. I am very excited about this opportunity because I have many friends at Penn State who can speak more than one language. I always thought it was fascinating, and am finally able to try it out for myself.
Thanks again for taking the time to read this! See you soon!
Location: Santiago, Dominican Republic
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Super proud of you. Have fun in DR and see you in April, you gavone!
You will love Santiago and la vida dominicana. Be sure to keep journaling, blogging, and eating lots of tostones (my fav. dominican food!). Mucha suerte!
Kate Fox Manni
Education Abroad Adviser
One of my biggest regrets was not writing a blog/journal during my time abroad. Thanks for highlighting the benefits!