Wandering around a Wonder of the World

This post is quite overdue, but nonetheless read on to hear about my adventures at Iguazu falls, now one of the Seven Natural Wonders of the World.


For those of you who don’t know, Iguazu falls, also known as the Cataratas, are gorgeous, huge waterfalls that were created millions of years ago by a geological fault that split up Argentina and Brazil. Now, the Cataratas are a huge tourist attraction, with people traveling from all over the world to see the 250-foot tall falls. The main attraction is the “Garganta del Diablo,” or “Devil’s Throat,” which, as you can imagine, is quite intimidating. I now have the privilege of saying that I was doused by the Devil’s Throat–how cool is that?!


The falls take up a solid day, so we got up with the sun and headed straight for them. Two hikes provide very different views of the main waterfalls–one from the base and one right above them. There’s a thin metal bridge that allows you to walk over the falls. I have a slight fear of heights, so by the time we had finished the upper loop, I was a little weak in the knees. If the bridge were to have broken, I would have fallen straight down to my death.


By far the coolest (literally and figuratively) part of the day was when we boarded the Nautical Adventure boat to explore the base of the falls. They warned us that we would get wet, but we had no idea what we were in for. The captain took us right into the mist of Salto San Martín. The mist was so forceful that I can’t even imagine what the water pressure is right under the waterfall. It would have broken our necks! Then, he sped closer to Garganta del Diablo, and we got a one-of-a-kind view of the magnificent waterfall before yet another shower. By the time the Adventure was over, we were soaked to the bone, shivering in the shade of the jungle. BUT–it was an experience that I would definitely repeat. So incredible. So worth it. My pictures can’t do it justice.


After our action-packed day, we retreated to our hostel (the first one I’ve ever tried!) and played games into the wee hours of the morning. It was so much fun! I still can’t get over the fact that a month ago, my big adventure was taking the train every day to work in Philadelphia. Now, I can hop on a bus and the next day be exploring a natural wonder of the world or even a different country! It’s insane. Study abroad truly is the experience of a lifetime, and I’m trying to cherish every precious moment.


Location: Puerto Iguazu, Argentina

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