It’s Monkeys Outside

I intentionally wanted to blog before I left the States but I had a draft saved and never finished it, oh well. It’s officially Monday, my third day here … let’s see, where do I start?

On Friday, I was sent off to the UK by my boyfriend, which kind of sucked because it was his birthday and I was leaving him. There were tons of traffic going to JFK and I was panicking because what if I missed my flight? The airport was chaotic but I said my sad good-byes to my boyfriend and went through security fairly quickly. The plane ride was only 7 hours, pretty short but it felt weird to be traveling without someone I knew. It was soon Saturday, 8AM in Heathrow Airport and I was exhausted. I was waiting for my friend’s flight to come in from Boston at 11AM because we booked a bus together to Brighton. Little did I know, her flight was very late so I never met up with her. My booked bus was also running 30 minutes late, but I met a lot of people going to Sussex, too. It dropped us off at Brighton after about 2 hours and from there we had to wait another 45 minutes for a shuttle that would take us to Sussex. The traveling was extremely tedious and exhausting but I finally saw my friend who ended up on the same shuttle as us to Sussex. All I wanted to do was wash the oil off of my face, but there were so many things we had to do. My room is decent, its clean and cozy but my bed gives me back pain with all those springs. Everyone I met so far is from a California school and is taking physics here, how absurd! 
Saturday night has approached, a bunch of us went bar/pub/club hopping in Brighton. The nightlife there is crazy! Everywhere was crowded and Europeans are just crazy! The city reminds me a bit of home but everything here is so expensive. After we got home around, I passed out until 230PM the next day, basically 11 hours of much-needed sleep. However, it was IMPOSSIBLE to find food on a Sunday afternoon so I basically had one meal the entire day. Sunday was basically to relax and talk to people back home. 
Today (Monday), I had orientation at 9AM, none helpful information though, I wish there was someone who would give us some guidance on how to travel to London on our own. Then, I came back to my dorm to order my Penn State Football Season Tickets!! I will soon go out to Brighton to do some grocery shopping (super essential). Last but not least, it’s been a crazy few days!

Location: Brighton, UK

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2 thoughts on “It’s Monkeys Outside


    That sounds great! Always a good time to get acquainted with the life in a new town is to go bar hopping; that’s what people in my group did the first night they got to London!

    Hope the next several weeks are as fun as your first day!


    That sounds like an awesome few first days of your trip!! Trust me, I totally get the whole not having the most comfortable bed, not being able to feel as clean as you’d like, and being in hectic situations… thing. It’s rough getting used to it all! After a while though, those things seem like nothing to you because you start paying attention to everything other eye-opening thing that you see and experience. You start to just accept those little things and they become normal! Good luck settling in some more and have fun!

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