Just the Beginning

“How do you pronounce your name? Can-dees?”

When crossing the street, look right, then left.

It’s the tube, not the subway.

It’s crazy how much you can learn about a place so fast. And if my first week abroad is any indication of the rest of my summer, I guess I’ll be coming home a true Londoner. Though this isn’t my first trip to London (and I hope not my last), just a week of living here has proven to be all I need to fall in love with this place. Maybe it’s hearing a British accent everywhere I go (and taking notes to perfect my own of course), or knowing the Queen is just a short tube ride away, but there’s something about spending a summer here…

I can already check off seeing Big Ben, London Eye, Westminster Abbey, Houses of Parliament, Tower Bridge, Monument, and Buckingham Palace, but there’s still so much I want to see, do, and explore.

This is going to be the experience of a lifetime, and with a full week already under my belt, I only hope it doesn’t pass by in the blink of an eye.

Location: London

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