Beaches and Barcelona

Barcelona, while not a trip where I had the best of luck at times, was amazing! It was a 3 day trip consisting of delicious tapas and blazing sun. I was actually surprised it was not hotter though. But just because it wasn’t excessively hot doesn’t mean I didn’t get sunburnt! (And yes, I did use sunblock!)

The first full day was spent hiking Montjuic mountain, visiting the Sagrada Familia (cathedral), and going to Park Guell. All of these were places which we needed to buy a metro ticket for. That was adventure number one. First we were confused on the different metro zones which we needed to know to buy our ticket. Then we weren’t sure how to split one ticket between 2 people. So we actually ended up getting stuck in a small area that kept us from getting on the metro or exiting the station. But it was worth the short wait to visit the sites. The mountain was a nice morning hike overlooking the beautiful city, as well as the ports and beaches. The massive cathedral was stunning. Everything about the architecture mimicked nature in some way – from the columns built to look like a forest to a roof that mimics the way the wind affects a straight line such as a leaf. (It becomes wavy instead of straight). Then we discovered that Park Guell is free after 9:30, so we went there around 8:30 to walk the unrestricted areas (to be honest I would have been content just doing these during the day for free, they were worth the view).











The highlight of the following day was our night adventures. We did a walking tour, and ate delicious tapas before going to the magic fountain for a light show. We enjoyed a mixed plate of calamari, bread with tomato, potatoes, tortilla, peppers, and meat for only 15 euros. They were some of the best foods I have tasted. Each had it’s own flavor distinction. From there we raced to the magic fountain of Montjuic. My friend Anny asked why it was called magic and a few minutes later we discovered the answer. Just at sunset, the fountain turns on and there is a light show complete with music and different parts of the fountain turning on at different points. While we were sitting there, Disney music was the theme and I was not about to complain.





Our final day was spent on the beach! We awoke bright and early to secure enough time to get some color. It was a day of relaxation after walking about 20 miles back and forth through the city the previous 2 days (we got lost a few times…). The only non-relaxing part were the people trying to give us massages, mojitos, and corn rows in our hair. Other than that, perfect.


Our trip to Barcelona was brief, but it was full of adventure, new experiences, and a beach – as well as some unneeded drama (my backpack lock decided to break while still on my backpack preventing me from getting any of my stuff inside). But all in all, it was an amazing trip!

Location: United Kingdom

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