Attention World Travelers: Helpful Hints for Surviving in Transit Derived from my Stupidity

My sincerest apologies for the delay, (I’ve been here for a week), but I compiled a list of my thoughts while traveling here. While they may be obvious, I can’t take that for granted seeing as hindsight is always 20/20 and I didn’t foresee them happening before I departed.


I. Don’t bank on the idea of sleeping on the plane!

To anyone taking a connecting flight or a train straight out of the airport: the airport-to-train process is exhausting, and rather frustrating if operating on a low battery. Whether you can’t get sufficiently comfortable or you’re enticed by the shockingly awesome movie selection- your sleep will in some way be jeopardized. Devil’s advocate says, ” I sleep just fine on the plane!” Ok, so you’re lucky enough to fall asleep. 30 minutes will elapse and you’ll wake up because your butt keeps tingling pins and needles but you can’t stand up because you don’t want to inconvenience your neighbor or seem like a freak for shaking about to restore blood flow to your numb butt. Just do yourself a favor and sleep the night before.



II. Only bring what you can manage!

Unless you are He-Man- see if you can physically manage moving your bags by yourself before you commit to them for the entire journey. While this may seem excessive: I recommend that you actually try to walk around your house and potentially also ascend modest inclines with all of the baggage that you intend to haul around the world like a human pack animal. I have decided that I am a fool for not thinking of this. The best part was when people saw me collapsing under the weight of my immense luggage and waited for me to move them like, ” Oh ok I’ll give you a sec,” but I just gave them a helplessness shrug and a look as if to say, “No. Homie- you simply don’t understand. I physically cannot move the bags. But I don’t need help, no. Leave me here to die.” They did.


III. Carry all forms of ID and anything you used to pay for your journey with you


If you take a train directly out of the airport, bring along the credit card with which you bought the ticket online. The order confirmation is not enough! Luckily I got a young man who I was able to make feel sympathetic for me through strategic pouting and a few well-placed sighs. One cannot anticipate having such good fortune every time.



IV. Consider the little things


Ask yourself: what items do I need to be comfortable? The fact that I didn’t pack tissues or Benadryl when I’m allergic to 97% of my environment was a considerable oversight on my part. My nose ran the entire journey and my shirtsleeves suffered the consequences.


I’ve got to run to class now, (Grammaire et Méthodologie,) but I will soon write about my first week here!







Location: Philadelphia International Airport, Charles de Gaulle Aeroport, Montpellier

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